In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of CSS list customization. For WordPress users, we’ll showcase how Elementor, the popular website builder, simplifies this process, empowering you to achieve your design vision without needing extensive coding knowledge.

The Basics of CSS List Styling

Intro to <ul>, <ol>, and <li> Tags

Lists are a fundamental cornerstone of web design. They help organize information in a clear and structured way, making your website easier to read and understand. HTML provides us with three essential tags to create lists:

  • <ul>: Stands for “unordered list.” This is your go-to for bullet point lists where the order of items doesn’t hold specific importance.
  • <ol>: Stands for “ordered list.” Use this when you need to display items in a numbered sequence.
  • <li>: Stands for “list item.” Each item, whether a bullet point or a numbered element, is enclosed within <li> tags.

Example HTML Structure



This simple code would create a basic unordered list with three bullet points (• Coffee, • Tea, • Milk).

The list-style-type Property

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the language that controls the visual presentation of your website. The list-style-type property is your key tool for customizing how those bullet points or numbers appear in your lists. Here are some of the most common values you’ll use:

  • disc: The default style displays filled-in circles as bullet points.
  • circle: Creates hollow circles as bullet points.
  • square: Renders square bullet points.
  • none: The magic word! This value removes bullet points or numbers altogether.

Let’s see how this works in a simple CSS example:

ul {
  list-style-type: none; 


This snippet would remove bullet points from ALL unordered lists (<ul>) on your website.

Targeting Specific Lists

While styling all your lists the same way can be useful, you’ll often want to customize bullet points (or their lack thereof) on a more granular level. This is where CSS classes and IDs come in handy.

Using Classes

Classes let you apply styles to multiple lists across your website. Here’s how:

Add a class to your HTML
<ul class="no-bullets">
  <li>Item One</li>
  <li>Item Two</li>

Style the class in your CSS
.no-bullets {
  list-style-type: none; 

Now, only lists with the class no-bullets will have their bullet points removed.

Using IDs

IDs target one specific list on your website. Use these when you need unique styling for a single list.

Add an ID to your HTML
<ul id="special-list">
  <li>Item One</li>
  <li>Item Two</li>

Style the ID in your CSS (note the # symbol)
#special-list {
  list-style-type: square; 


Key points to remember

  1. Classes (indicated by .) are for styling multiple elements.
  2. IDs (indicated by #) are used to style one unique element.
  3. You can mix and match class and ID usage for maximum styling flexibility.

Removing Bullet Points with Elementor 

The Power of Elementor’s Visual Editor

If the idea of writing CSS code seems daunting, Elementor has you covered! Its intuitive visual interface lets you style lists, including removing bullet points, with just a few clicks. Here’s the beauty of Elementor:

  • No-code customization: You don’t need to be a CSS expert to achieve professional-looking results.
  • Live previews: See your changes reflected on the page in real time, making design adjustments a breeze.
  • Drag-and-drop interface: Building your website feels natural and intuitive.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Locate the List Widget: Within the Elementor editor, drag and drop the ‘List’ widget onto your page or edit an existing list.
  2. Open the Styling Controls: In the left-hand panel, you’ll see a set of styling tabs. Click on the ‘Style’ tab.
  3. Find list-style-type: Under the ‘Typography’ section, you’ll see an option for ‘List Style Type.’
  4. Set to ‘None’: Click on the dropdown and select the ‘None’ option.

That’s it! Your bullet points will magically disappear. You can use the same interface to explore other styling options, such as changing the color or size of numbered lists.

Advanced Customization within Elementor

Elementor’s list of styling options goes beyond the basics. You can explore features like:

  • Custom bullet point images: We’ll look at this in a later section.
  • Adjusting spacing and indentation: For fine-tuned control over list appearance.
  • Styling individual list items: Create unique designs within a single list.

If you want to explore custom bullet points or truly advanced list techniques, Elementor’s documentation and community provide helpful tutorials and code examples to expand your skills.

Mastering CSS for Complete Control

Understanding Inheritance

CSS has a hierarchical nature, meaning that styles applied to parent elements can trickle down and affect their nested children. This concept is important with lists:

  • Parent Lists: When you style a <ul> or <ol> tag, those styles often transfer to the individual list items (<li>) within.
  • Overriding Styles: To style specific list levels differently, you’ll need to use more precise CSS selectors.


ul {
  list-style-type: square; /* All lists will have square bullets */

ul ul { 
  list-style-type: circle; /* Nested lists will have circle bullets */


In this scenario, top-level lists would have square bullets, but any lists nested within those lists would switch to circle bullet points.

The list-style Shorthand

For efficient CSS, you can combine several list-related properties into a single declaration using the list-style shorthand. It works like this:

ul {
  list-style: disc inside;
This is equivalent to:
ul {
  list-style-type: disc; 
  list-style-position: inside; 


Let’s break it down:


We’ve covered this! Sets bullet/number style (e.g., disc, square, none).


Controls where the bullet sits relative to the text.

  • Inside, place the bullet within the list item’s content flow.
  • Outside places the bullet outside the regular content flow, creating more breathing room.

Replacing Bullets with Custom Images

The list-style-image property opens up a world of visual possibilities for your lists. Here’s how to swap out boring bullets for eye-catching graphics:

  1. Source Your Image: Find or create a small image that suits your design style. Icons, arrows, or simple shapes work well. Keep file size in mind for optimal page loading speed.

Use the list-style-image Property: Add this declaration to your CSS rule:

ul {
  list-style-image: url('path/to/your/image.png'); 


Replace ‘path/to/your/image.png’ with the actual file path or web URL of your chosen image.

Image Sizing and Positioning

You likely want some control over how your custom images appear. Experiment with these additional properties:

  • List-style-position: We discussed this earlier, but inside or outside will influence image placement.
  • Background properties: If you need more intricate positioning, treat the image like a background using background-size, background-repeat, and background-position.


ul {
  list-style-image: url('checkmark.svg'); 
  list-style-position: inside;
  background-repeat: no-repeat; /* Prevent the image from tiling */
  background-position: 0 50%;   /* Position the image in the center */


Important Note: Always provide a fallback using list-style-type in case the image fails to load. This ensures your list still displays something visually meaningful.

Troubleshooting Tips

Even with careful CSS, sometimes unexpected things happen, and your bullet points might not cooperate. Here’s a troubleshooting toolkit to keep in mind:

Browser Inconsistencies

Minor rendering differences between web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) can occur. Test your website across several browsers to catch any odd styling behavior.

Conflicting Styles

If you have multiple CSS files or stylesheets, they might step on each other’s toes. Use your browser’s developer tools (usually accessed by right-clicking and selecting “Inspect”) to examine which styles are actually being applied to your lists.

  • Specificity: More specific CSS selectors take precedence. Ensure your bullet point styling rules target the correct lists with enough specificity to override any defaults.

!important Caution: While the ! important declaration can forcibly override styles, use it sparingly. Using it can make your CSS easier to maintain in the long run.

Common Scenarios

  1. Bullet Points Reappearing: Check if any parent list styles are causing inheritance issues. Adjust your CSS to target the specific lists you want to modify.
  2. Images Not Appearing: Double-check your file paths! One wrong character can break the link. Also, consider browser caching – sometimes, a hard refresh (Ctrl+F5 or Cmd+Shift+R) is needed to force the image to load.
  3. Unexpected Positioning: Ensure your list-style-position and additional background properties work in harmony to place your images as desired.

Developer tools are your best friends when debugging CSS issues. Learn to use them effectively, and you’ll solve styling puzzles with ease!

Beyond Bullet Removal: Creative List Styling

Horizontal Lists

Sometimes, you should break free from the traditional vertical list format and arrange your items horizontally. CSS flexbox and inline-block techniques offer excellent solutions:

CSS Flexbox Method

Wrap Your List: Enclose your <ul> or <ol> in a container element (usually a <div>).

Apply Flexbox Properties
.horizontal-list-container {
  display: flex; /* Activate flexbox layout */
  flex-direction: row; /* Arrange items in a row */


Inline-Block Method

Target List Items
ul li {
  display: inline-block; 


Important! With both methods, you’ll likely need to adjust margins and padding to fine-tune the spacing between your horizontal list items.

Adjusting Margins, Padding, and Indentation

Let’s take control of the spacing around your list items for a polished look:

  • Margins: Margins create space outside an element’s border. Use properties like margin-top, margin-right, etc., to control the spacing between list items or the entire list and surrounding content.
  • Padding: Padding creates space inside an element’s border. Use the padding property to add breathing room around the text content of each list item.
  • Text Indentation: Use the text-indent property to fine-tune where your list item text begins. A negative value can shift text away from the bullet point, creating more visual separation.


ul li {
  margin-right: 20px; /* Space between list items */
  padding: 10px; /* Internal spacing for visual comfort */
  text-indent: -5px; /* Shift text slightly to the right */


Accessibility Best Practices

While visually enhancing your lists, it’s essential to keep users with disabilities in mind. Here’s what to focus on:

  1. Semantic HTML: Using <ul>, <ol>, and <li> tags correctly tells assistive technologies (like screen readers) that they’re dealing with a list. This structural information is invaluable for navigation and understanding your content.
  2. Refrain from Relying Solely on Visual Cues: If you remove bullet points, ensure there’s enough visual distinction between list items. Adequate spacing, font changes, or borders can be helpful for those who may need to perceive the default styling clearly.
  3. Screen Reader Testing: Experiment with screen reader software (like NVDA or VoiceOver) to get a firsthand experience of how your lists are presented to users with visual impairments.

When NOT to Remove Bullet Points

There are instances where traditional bullet points or numbers serve a clear purpose:

  1. Clarity and Scannability: For simple lists where the order doesn’t matter (e.g., ingredient lists, feature lists), bullet points to aid in quick visual parsing of information.
  2. Prioritizing Order: Ordered lists are essential for instructions, steps, or rankings where sequence is important.

Styling Navigation Menus

Lists are the backbone of many website navigation menus. Let’s explore some common use cases:

  • Top-Level Navigation: Often styled as horizontal lists for main website sections.
  • Drop-down Menus: Utilize nested lists to reveal subcategories when hovering or clicking on a top-level item.
  • Mobile Menus: Creative list styling can power responsive navigation that collapses into a “hamburger” menu on smaller screens.

Elementor simplifies crafting accessible, beautifully designed navigation menus with tons of customization options.

Design Tips and Inspiration 

Visual Examples

A picture is worth a thousand words, so let’s sprinkle in some visual examples throughout this section. These could be screenshots or embedded images showcasing:

  1. Creative custom bullet point designs
  2. Horizontal list layouts
  3. Unique list styling used in real-world websites

Design Trends

Incorporating current web design trends can give your lists a fresh, modern feel. Consider exploring:

  1. Minimalism: Clean lines, ample white space, and list styling for a sophisticated look.
  2. Bold Typography: Using strong fonts and contrasting sizes to make your list of items stand out.
  3. Micro-Interactions: Adding animations on hover or click to enhance user engagement with your lists.
  4. Color and Visual Cues: Use color psychology or visual separators to guide the user’s eye and differentiate list items.

Using Lists for Visual Hierarchy

Lists aren’t just for bullet points and groceries! They can structure your content effectively:

  • Headings and Subheadings: Treat headings like lists using different levels (<h1>, <h2>, etc.) for clear content organization.
  • Sidebars and Callouts: Style lists to create visually distinct content sections that draw attention.
  • Product Features: Present product benefits or specifications in a structured, easy-to-scan list format.

Elementor’s Theme Builder and Design Kits

Elementor’s powerful tools make design exploration a breeze:

  • Theme Builder: Allows you to customize every aspect of your website, including how lists are styled on archive pages, blog posts, and more.
  • Design Kits: Get a jumpstart with pre-designed Elementor templates and website kits. Many include unique list styling that you can adapt and make your own.

Enhancing Your WordPress Website with Elementor

Benefits of Elementor for WordPress

Throughout this guide, we’ve seen how Elementor simplifies bullet point removal and unlocks countless list design possibilities. But its benefits extend far beyond styling lists:

  1. Ease of Use: The drag-and-drop interface and live preview make web design accessible to everyone, regardless of coding experience.
  2. Design Depth: Elementor offers fine-grained control for those comfortable with CSS, allowing for truly unique and customized website elements.
  3. Speed and Performance: Elementor’s code is optimized for fast loading, and when paired with Elementor Hosting, you achieve unbeatable performance.
  4. Thriving Community: Access a vast library of tutorials, support forums, and third-party add-ons for Elementor, extending its functionality even further.


In this guide, we’ve covered:

  1. The basics of CSS list styling, controlling bullet points (or lack thereof!), and inheritance.
  2. How Elementor puts you in the design driver’s seat with no-code customization.
  3. Advanced CSS techniques for replacing bullet points with custom images and fine-tuning spacing.
  4. The importance of accessibility and design best practices.
  5. The performance advantages of Elementor Hosting and its built-in optimizations.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned web designer, Elementor empowers you to create visually appealing and well-structured lists that enhance your website experience. Paired with Elementor Hosting, you’ll enjoy lightning-fast load times that boost user satisfaction and search engine visibility.