When it comes to web design, the key to mastering italics lies in understanding CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). This style language gives you precise control over the appearance of your website, including the ability to italicize text with ease. 

in this guide, we’ll give you the lowdown on how to rock italics like a pro using CSS. We’ll also dish out some tips and tricks to make sure you use them like a boss.

The CSS ‘font-style’ Property

Explaining ‘font-style’

The CSS font-style property is your key to unlocking the world of italicized text on the web. This versatile property allows you to manipulate the slant of your text and offers the following values:

  • normal: This is the default value, displaying text in its regular, upright form.
  • italic: The star of the show! This value transforms your text into a classic italic style.
  • oblique: Similar to italic, but the obliqueness may be different based on the typeface.


<p style="font-style: italic;">This paragraph will be italicized.</p>


Inline, Internal, and External Styles

There are various ways to apply font style to your website:

  • Inline Styles: Directly embed the style within your HTML element: <p style=”font-style: italic;”>
  • Internal Stylesheet: Place CSS rules within <style> tags in your HTML document’s <head>.
  • External Stylesheet: This is the most recommended approach! Create a .css file and link it to your HTML, promoting organized code and reusability.

Note: Inline styles generally take precedence over internal and external stylesheets, but it’s best to prioritize external stylesheets for maintaining a clean code structure.

Targeting Elements for Italicization

To apply italics to specific sections of your website rather than your entire page, you’ll need to use CSS selectors. Here are the common types and examples of how to use them:

Element Selectors

Target all HTML elements of a specific type.

  • Example: p { font-style: italic; } Italicizes all <p> (paragraph) elements.

Class Selectors

Use classes to style multiple elements using the same style.

  • Example: .special-quote { font-style: italic; } Italicizes elements having the class “special-quote”.

ID Selectors

Target a single unique element.

  • Example: #book-title { font-style: italic; } Italicizes the element with the ID “book-title”.

CSS Specificity

Remember that more specific selectors generally override less specific ones. ID selectors have the highest specificity, followed by class selectors and then element selectors.

Example: Targeting a Specific Paragraph


<p class="intro"> Welcome to my website!</p>
<p>This is another paragraph.</p>



.intro { 
  font-style: italic;


Browser Defaults and Customization

Web browsers have built-in styles for how they render HTML elements, including italics. Most browsers will style text within <em> tags as italic by default. However, you’re not limited to these default styles! CSS gives you the power to customize:

  • Overriding Defaults: To change the look of your italics, use the font-style property to override the browser’s styling.
  • Styling the <i> tag: You can apply font-style: italic explicitly to the <i> tag if desired, ensuring consistency across browsers.
  • Customizing Font Families: The appearance of italics will vary based on the font family you choose. Some fonts may have more pronounced italics than others. We’ll cover font choices in more detail later!

Example: Overriding Browser Defaults for <em>

em {
  font-style: italic; 
  font-weight: bold; /* Adds bold styling for extra emphasis */


Note: It’s generally recommended to use <em> for semantic emphasis and rely on CSS for stylistic changes. This improves accessibility and keeps your code cleaner.

The ‘<em>’ and ‘<i>’ Tags: Semantic vs. Stylistic Emphasis 

The Importance of Semantic HTML

Semantic HTML refers to the practice of using HTML tags that convey meaning about their content. This makes it easier for search engines and screen readers to understand the structure and purpose of your text, thus improving your website’s accessibility and SEO.

The ‘<em>’ Tag

The <em> tag (short for emphasis) is designed to signal a semantic emphasis on a particular word or phrase within your text. Here’s when to use it:

  • Stress Emphasis: Highlight key phrases or words you want readers to pay attention to.
  • Quotes: Often used to offset quoted text within a sentence or paragraph.

Most browsers will visually render <em> content in italics. Importantly, screen readers will often change their inflection when encountering the <em> tag, ensuring that the emphasis is perceived by users with visual impairments.

The ‘<i>’ Tag

The <i> tag (short for italic) is primarily a stylistic tag. It’s used to make a piece of text appear in italics without implying any extra importance. Consider these situations:

  • Technical Terms: Italicizing scientific or technical terms that are conventionally offset.
  • Foreign Words: Styling words borrowed from other languages.
  • Ship Names: Traditionally, ship names are italicized.

Best Practices

Whenever possible, prioritize the <em> tag for meaningful emphasis and reserve the <i> tag for purely visual italicization. This reinforces accessibility and maintains clean, semantic code.

Design Considerations When Using Italics

Readability and Overuse

While italics are a powerful tool, it’s crucial to use them in moderation. Overusing italics has these downsides:

  • Reduced Impact: When too much text is italicized, it loses its emphasis.
  • Readability Issues: Large blocks of italicized text, especially in certain fonts, can strain the eyes and hinder readability.

Tip: Reserve italics for short phrases and key terms or to create visual contrast within headings or titles.

Combining Italics with Other Styles

Italics can be paired with other text styling features like bold or underlining for additional effects. Here’s a quick overview:

  • Italics and Bold: Combine these styles to place extra emphasis on a word or phrase (e.g., <strong><em>Important Note:</em></strong>).
  • Italics and Underline: Less common but can sometimes be used to differentiate links within italicized text.


<p>Please read the <em><strong>Terms and Conditions</strong></em> carefully before proceeding.</p>


Choosing Fonts with Quality Italic Variants

Not all fonts are created equal, especially when it comes to italics. Here’s what to consider:

  • Well-Designed Italics: Look for fonts with an italic style that is distinct from the regular style yet visually harmonious.
  • Serif vs. Sans-serif: Serif fonts (with small decorative strokes) often have more ornate italic styles. Sans-serif fonts (cleaner, without strokes) tend towards simpler italics. Pick what aligns with your website’s style.

Tip: Popular web font services like Google Fonts allow you to preview a typeface’s italic style before selecting it.

Advanced CSS Techniques & Responsive Italics

CSS Preprocessors (Sass, Less)

CSS preprocessors like Sass and Less extend the functionality of traditional CSS, making it easier to manage complex stylesheets. Here’s how they can help with italics:

  • Variables: Define a variable to represent your italic style (e.g., $italic-style: italic;). Then, apply it across your stylesheet, promoting consistency and making updates a breeze.
  • Mixins: Create reusable blocks of CSS code for italics. Mixins can include parameters to customize the italic style for different use cases.

Example (Sass)

$italic-style: italic;

@mixin italicize() {
  font-style: $italic-style;
.quote {
  @include italicize();


Note: To use CSS preprocessors, you’ll need to set up a compiler that converts your Sass or Less code into standard CSS that browsers can understand.

Responsive Design Considerations

Ensuring your website looks great on all devices is paramount, and that includes your italicized text! Here are some tips for responsive italics:

  1. Font Size Adjustments: Italics may appear smaller on mobile screens, so consider slightly increasing the font size for italicized passages on smaller viewports.
  2. Media Queries: Use media queries to apply specific italic styles or adjustments based on screen size or device type.

Example (CSS)

@media (max-width: 768px) {
  .quote {
    font-size: 18px; /* Slightly larger font size for mobile */


Italics and Accessibility

Screen Readers and Visual Impairment

Screen readers are assistive technologies that read website content aloud for people who are blind or have low vision. Here’s how they interact with italics:

  • The <em> Tag: Most screen readers will change the tone or inflection of their voice when encountering text within an <em> tag, signaling the emphasis to the user.
  • The <i> Tag: Since the <i> tag is purely stylistic, screen readers may not treat it any differently than regular text.

The Importance of Semantic Emphasis

Using the <em> tag strategically ensures that those using screen readers don’t miss the emphasis and intent of your content. Reserve the <i> tag for situations where visual italics are the primary goal.

Alternative Styling for Visual Impairment:

While italics can be helpful for some users, they might be difficult to perceive for others with visual impairments. Consider these inclusive design practices:

  1. Combining Styles: Pair italics with bold or underline for added emphasis that may be easier to pick up visually.
  2. Color Contrast: Ensure your text color has sufficient contrast with your background color, even if italics are included in your styling.

Accessibility Testing Tools: Use web accessibility testing tools during and after development to identify any potential issues related to your use of italics and to ensure your content is accessible to the widest audience possible.


Italics, a seemingly simple style, can significantly enhance your website’s visual hierarchy and readability. Remember these key takeaways:

  1. Use Strategically: Deploy italics with the intention to guide users through your content, highlight key terms, or add decorative flair to headings.
  2. Prioritize Semantics: Leverage the <em> tag to convey emphasis both visually and to screen readers.
  3. Readability First: Avoid overusing italics, and carefully consider font choices to ensure effortless readability.
  4. Accessibility Matters: Provide alternative styling cues for users with visual impairments.

If you’re building a WordPress website, Elementor website builder unlocks the power of italics as part of its visual, drag-and-drop editing environment. Its intuitive interface and streamlined customization options empower you to bring your design vision to life. From effortlessly italicizing text elements to building comprehensive theme styles, Elementor makes web design accessible and enjoyable.

P.S.: If you’re looking for a hosting solution that prioritizes performance and speed for your WordPress website, consider Elementor Hosting. With its powerful cloud infrastructure and optimizations, it ensures your italicized elements (and your entire website) load lightning fast!