Understanding JavaScript Modules

JavaScript modules are like building blocks for your code. They help you organize your work and reuse parts of it easily. In JavaScript, modules come in two main flavors:

  1. ES6 Modules: These are the newer, more modern type.
  2. CommonJS: This is an older type that is still used in many projects.

The error we’re talking about usually happens when these two types clash.

ES6 Modules: The New Way

ES6 modules came with ECMAScript 6 (also called ES2015). They offer a clean way to share code between files. Here’s what makes them great:

  • Better Code Organization: You can split your code into smaller, easier-to-manage pieces.
  • Easy Reuse: You can use the same code in different parts of your project or even in new projects.
  • Clear Dependencies: It’s easy to see which parts of your code depend on others.

Here’s a quick example of ES6 modules:


					// math.js (module)
export const add = (a, b) => a + b;
export const subtract = (a, b) => a - b;

// app.js (main script)
import { add, subtract } from './math.js';

console.log(add(5, 3)); // Output: 8
console.log(subtract(5, 3)); // Output: 2


In this example, math.js is a module that shares two functions. app.js then uses these functions.

CommonJS: The Old Reliable

CommonJS has been around longer, especially in Node.js. It uses different keywords:

  • require to bring in code from other files
  • module.exports to share code with other files

Here’s how it looks:


					// utils.js (module)
const greet = (name) => `Hello, ${name}!`;
module.exports = { greet };

// app.js (main script)
const utils = require('./utils.js');

console.log(utils.greet('Alice')); // Output: Hello, Alice!

  1. In this case, utils.js shares a greet function, which app.js then uses.

    Key Differences Between ES6 and CommonJS

    Understanding these differences can help you avoid the “Cannot use import statement outside a module” error:

    1. ES6 Modules:
      • Use import and export
      • Load code at compile time
      • Work in browsers with <script type=”module”>
      • Need some setup to work in Node.js
      • Great for new projects and big apps
    2. CommonJS:
      • Use require and module.exports
      • Load code at runtime
      • Work in Node.js out of the box
      • Need extra tools to work in browsers
      • Good for existing Node.js projects and simple scripts

    Choosing the Right Module System

    When starting a new project:

    • Use ES6 modules if you have a specific reason not to.

    For an existing Node.js project:

    • If it’s already using CommonJS and is simple enough, stick with CommonJS.

    For browser scripts:

    • Use ES6 modules with <script type=”module”> or a module bundler.

    Try to use just one system in your project to keep things simple.

    Fixing the Error in Node.js

    Node.js now supports both CommonJS and ES6 modules. This can sometimes cause the “Cannot use import statement outside a module” error. So, you’re trying to use the import feature, which is part of ES6, in a file that Node.js thinks is using CommonJS. That’s what causes this error.

    To fix this, you need to tell Node.js which module system you’re using. We’ll cover how to do that in the next section.

    How to Fix the “Cannot use import statement outside a module” Error

    Let’s look at three ways to fix this common JavaScript error. Each method has its own pros and cons, so choose the one that fits your needs best.

    Solution 1: Use ES6 Modules in Node.js

    The easiest way to fix this error is to tell Node.js that you’re using ES6 modules. Here’s how:

    1. Open your package.json file.
    2. Add this line:


  "type": "module"

  1. This tells Node.js to treat all .js files as ES6 modules. Now, you can use import and export without errors.

    Tip: If you need to mix ES6 and CommonJS modules, use these file extensions:

    • .mjs for ES6 modules
    • .cjs for CommonJS modules



					// utils.mjs (ES6 module)
export const greet = (name) => `Hello, ${name}!`;

// app.cjs (CommonJS module)
const utils = require('./utils.mjs');

console.log(utils.greet('Alice')); // Output: Hello, Alice!

  1. Solution 2: Use the –experimental-modules Flag

    If you’re rocking an older version of Node.js (before 13.2.0), don’t fret! You can still take advantage of ES6 modules. Just add a flag when you run your code:

					node --experimental-modules my_script.mjs
  1. This flag tells Node.js to treat .mjs files as ES6 modules.

    Important notes:

    • This flag might not work the same as newer Node.js versions.
    • It might not be available in future Node.js versions.

    When to use this flag:

    • You’re working on an old project with an older Node.js version.
    • You want to test the ES6 module code quickly.
    • You’re learning about ES6 modules in an older Node.js setup.

    Solution 3: Use Babel to Convert Your Code

    Sometimes, you can’t update Node.js or use experimental flags. You may be working on an old project, or some of your code only works with an older version. In these cases, you can use a tool called Babel.

    Babel changes your modern JavaScript code into older code that works everywhere. Here’s what it does:


					// Your modern code
import { greet } from './utils.js';


// Babel changes it to this
const { greet } = require('./utils.js');

  1. Your code now works in older Node.js versions without the “Cannot use import statement outside a module” error.

    How to set up Babel:

    1. Install Babel packages.
    2. Create a Babel config file (.babelrc or babel.config.js).
    3. Add settings to change ES6 modules to CommonJS.

    Things to think about:

    • Using Babel adds an extra step when you build your project.
    • Your code might run slower, but you won’t notice.

    When to use Babel:

    • You’re working on an old Node.js project you can’t update.
    • Some of your code only works with an older Node.js version.
    • You want to write modern JavaScript but need it to work in older setups.

    How to Fix Module Errors in Web Browsers

    Modern web browsers can use ES6 modules, but you need to set things up correctly. Let’s look at how to fix the “Cannot use import statement outside a module” error in your web projects.

    New web browsers support ES6 modules, but you need to tell the browser when you’re using them. You do this with a special script tag. This tag lets the browser load modules, handle dependencies, and manage scopes the right way.

    Solution 1: Use the <script type=”module”> Tag

    The easiest way to use ES6 modules in a browser is with the <script type=”module”> tag. Just add this to your HTML:


					<script type="module" src="./my_script.js"></script>

This tells the browser, “This script is a module.” Now you can use import and export in my_script.js without getting an error.

Here’s an example:


					// utils.js
export const greet = (name) => `Hello, ${name}!`;

// my_script.js
import { greet } from './utils.js';

console.log(greet('Browser')); // Output: Hello, Browser!

In this example, utils.js shares the greet function, and my_script.js uses it. The <script type=”module”> tag makes sure the browser knows my_script.js is a module.

Important things to know:

  1. Script Order: When you use multiple <script type=”module”> tags, the browser runs them in the order they appear in the HTML. This ensures that everything loads in the right order.
  2. CORS: If you load modules from a different website, that website needs to allow it. This is called Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).

The <script type=”module”> tag works well for small projects or when you want to load modules directly. For bigger projects with lots of modules, use a module bundler.

Solution 2: Use Module Bundlers

As your web project grows and has many modules that depend on each other, it can take effort to manage all the script tags. This is where module bundlers come in handy.

What Are Module Bundlers?

Module bundlers are tools that examine all the modules in your project, determine how they connect, and pack them into one or a few files. They also handle loading and running modules in the browser. Some popular bundlers are Webpack, Parcel, and Rollup.

How Bundlers Help

  1. They Figure Out Dependencies: Bundlers make sure your modules load in the right order, even if they depend on each other in complex ways.
  2. They Make Your Code Better: Bundlers can make your files smaller and faster to load.
  3. They Make Your Code Work Everywhere: Bundlers can change your code to work in older browsers that don’t support ES6 modules.

Choosing a Bundler

Different bundlers are good for different things:

  • Webpack: Good for big, complex projects. You can change a lot of settings.
  • Parcel: Easy to use. You don’t have to set up much.
  • Rollup: Makes small, efficient code. Often used for making libraries.

Using Bundlers with Elementor

If you’re using Elementor to build a WordPress website, you can still use module bundlers. Elementor works well with bundlers to make sure your JavaScript code loads quickly and efficiently.

JavaScript Modules: Best Practices and Troubleshooting

Even if you understand module systems, you might still run into problems. Let’s look at some common issues that can cause the “Cannot use import statement outside a module” error and how to fix them. We’ll also cover good ways to organize your code with modules.

Common Problems and Solutions

Here are some typical issues that can lead to the “Cannot use import statement outside a module” error:

  1. Mixing Module Systems:
    • Problem: Using import in a CommonJS module or require in an ES6 module.
    • Solution: Pick one system and stick to it. If you must mix them, use tools like Babel to make your code work everywhere.
  2. Wrong File Extensions:
    • Problem: Using the wrong extension for your module type in Node.js.
    • Solution: If you haven’t set “type”: “module” in your package.json, use .mjs for ES6 modules and .cjs for CommonJS modules.
  3. Missing Settings:
    • Problem: Forgetting to set up your project correctly for modules.
    • Solution: Check your package.json file for the right “type” setting. Also, make sure your bundler settings are correct if you’re using one.
  4. Circular Dependencies:
    • Problem: Modules that depend on each other in a loop.
    • Solution: Reorganize your code to break the loop. You should create a new module for shared code.

Organizing Your Code with Modules

Modules aren’t just for fixing errors. They help you write better, cleaner code. Here are some tips:

  1. Use Clear Module Names:
    • Good: stringUtils.js, apiHelpers.js
    • Not so good: utils.js, helpers.js
  2. Organize Your Folders:
    • Group related modules together.
    • You could organize by feature, function, or layer (like components, services, utilities).
  3. One Job Per Module:
    • Each module should do one thing well.
    • If a module gets too big, split it into smaller ones.
  4. Avoid Circular Dependencies:
    • Don’t let modules depend on each other in a loop.
    • If you need to, create a new module for shared code.
  5. Be Clear About Imports and Exports:
    • Clearly show what each module shares and uses.
    • Try to only use import * from … unless you really need to.

The Future of JavaScript Modules

ES6 modules are becoming the main way to use modules in JavaScript. They work in most browsers now and are getting better support in Node.js. Here’s why they’re good:

  • They have a clean, easy-to-read syntax.
  • They load modules in a way that’s easier for computers to understand.
  • They clearly show what each module needs.

If you’re starting a new project, use ES6 modules. If you’re working on an old project that uses CommonJS, think about slowly changing to ES6 modules. Tools like Babel can help with this change.

Elementor: Making Web Development Easier

If you want to build websites faster and easier, you might like Elementor. It’s a tool that lets you design websites without writing code. But it’s not just for design – it also helps with technical stuff like JavaScript modules.

How Elementor Simplifies Module Management

Elementor streamlines module handling, taking care of much of the loading and interaction behind the scenes, especially when using its built-in elements and features. This simplifies development and reduces the chance of encountering common module-related issues.

Elementor AI: Your Development Assistant

Elementor also provides AI capabilities to speed up your workflow:

  • Code Suggestions: Get help writing code for elements like animations.
  • Content Help: Generate text for your website.
  • Design Ideas: Receive suggestions for layouts and color schemes.

These AI features can boost productivity and inspire new ideas.

Remember: While Elementor simplifies module management, certain errors may still arise with custom JavaScript or external libraries. Additionally, AI assistance is valuable but may require human review and refinement.

Overall, Elementor’s combination of module handling and AI features empowers developers and designers to build websites more efficiently and creatively.


We’ve covered a lot about the “Cannot use import statement outside a module” error. We looked at why it happens and how to fix it in Node.js and in browsers. We also talked about good ways to use modules in your code.

Remember, ES6 modules are becoming the main way to use modules in JavaScript. They’re cleaner and more future-proof if you can start using them in your projects.

If you want to make building websites easier, check out Elementor. It can help with both design and technical stuff, like modules.

Keep learning and practicing, and you’ll get better at handling modules and building great websites!