Pick the Right Builder

Choosing a landing page builder depends on what you need, how much you can spend, and how comfortable you are with technology. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Elementor: Great if you want lots of design options, and it works well with website-building tools.
  • Unbounce: Perfect if your main goal is to turn visitors into customers.
  • Leadpages: Good for people who want something simple and affordable.
  • Landingi: Another budget-friendly option with good features.
  • Instapage: Best for big companies that need top performance and team tools.

Tip: Try free trials and demos to see which one feels right for you.

Why Landing Pages Matter

Think about this: You’re running an online ad for a new product. Your ad looks great, you’re targeting the right people, and you’re getting lots of clicks. But where do those clicks lead? If people end up on your homepage or a busy product page, you’re missing out.

When we talk about converting visitors into leads, customers, or subscribers, landing pages are the real MVPs. They’re like these super-focused web pages with one simple mission: to get the job done. Unlike your homepage, which gives a broad view of your brand, a landing page focuses on one offer or call to action (CTA). It cuts out distractions and shows visitors exactly what to do next, whether that’s downloading a guide, signing up for a webinar, or buying a product.

Landing pages are key to successful online marketing. They give you a special place to show off your offer, highlight its benefits, and convince visitors to take action. A well-made landing page can greatly increase your conversion rates, bringing in more leads and sales. Research indicates that businesses with 30 or more landing pages garner significantly more leads, approximately seven times more, compared to those with less than ten landing pages.

What Makes a Great Landing Page?

To make sure your landing pages work well, they need these key parts:

  1. A clear, catchy headline: This is the first thing visitors see. It should grab their attention and quickly show the main benefit of your offer.
  2. Convincing main text: Use short, powerful words to show the good points of your offer and address any doubts people might have.
  3. A strong call to action: Make it clear what you want visitors to do. Use a standout button or link to guide them.
  4. Good-looking design: Use high-quality images and videos to make your landing page look nice and keep people interested.
  5. Trust-building elements: Add things like customer reviews, testimonials, or security badges to show that you’re trustworthy.
  6. Works well on mobile: Most web traffic comes from phones and tablets, so your landing page must look and work great on all screen sizes.

By using these elements wisely, you can create landing pages that get results and help you reach your marketing goals.

Why Use Landing Page Builders?

These days, you need to be quick, flexible, and creative. Old ways of making websites, which often need complex coding and design skills, can hold back small businesses and people who aren’t tech experts. Landing page builders break down these barriers. They offer many benefits that help marketers and business owners take charge of their online presence.

1. Save Time and Money

Imagine this: Instead of spending hours struggling with code or waiting for a developer to build your page, you simply drag, drop, and customize pre-made elements to create your perfect landing page. That’s the magic of landing page builders. They eliminate the need for manual coding, letting you focus on what really matters—your message and your audience.

2. Anyone Can Design

You don’t need to be a tech wizard to make great landing pages. With their easy-to-use interfaces and user-friendly features, landing page builders put design power in your hands. Whether you’re a seasoned marketing pro or a newbie, you can easily create professional-looking landing pages that’ll leave a lasting impression.

3. Make It Your Own

Your brand is unique, and your landing pages should show that. Landing page builders offer many ways to customize, letting you adjust designs, layouts, and content to match your brand and campaign goals. From colors and fonts to where you place images and how buttons look, you can make landing pages that truly represent your business.

4. Works on All Devices

In a world where most people browse the web on phones and tablets, your pages need to look good on all devices. The best landing page builders make sure your pages work well on smartphones, tablets, and computers. This gives every visitor a smooth experience, no matter what device they’re using.

5. Test and Improve

The key to getting the most conversions is to keep testing and improving. Many landing page builders include A/B testing features. This lets you try different headlines, CTAs, images, and layouts to see what works best for your audience. With this data-driven insight, you can fine-tune your landing pages for the best results.

What to Look for in a Landing Page Builder

With so many landing page builders available, choosing the perfect one can be a real headache. To make choosing the right marketing tool easier, focus on a few important features that can truly enhance your marketing efforts.

  1. Easy drag-and-drop interface: A good landing page builder should let you easily arrange elements on your page. Look for a tool that offers smooth visual editing, allowing you to add, move, and resize elements easily, even if you’ve never designed before. This is especially important if you want to work quickly and efficiently.
  2. Lots of templates: A big library of templates gives you a great starting point for your landing pages. The best builders offer a wide range of pre-designed templates for different industries and uses. These templates should look good and be set up to convert visitors with well-placed CTAs and persuasive layouts.
  3. Mobile-friendly design: With so many people using phones to browse the web, your landing pages need to look and work great on small screens. Choose a builder that prioritizes mobile responsiveness, letting you preview and adjust your designs for different screen sizes. This ensures a consistent, user-friendly experience for all visitors, no matter what device they’re using.
  4. Connects with other marketing tools: Your landing page builder should work well with your other marketing tools, such as email platforms, CRM systems, and analytics tools. These connections make it a breeze to snag potential customers, create friendships, and monitor the effectiveness of your plans.
  5. A/B testing tools: Even the best-designed landing page can be improved with data-driven optimization. Being able to run A/B tests lets you compare different versions of your page and find out which elements drive the most conversions. When picking a builder, go for one that has A/B testing built-in or at least one that’s compatible with popular testing tools.
  6. Good analytics and reporting: Understanding how visitors interact with your landing pages is crucial for ongoing improvement. Choose a builder that provides detailed analytics and reporting features, letting you track important metrics like page views, conversions, and bounce rates. These insights will help you spot areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to make your landing pages even better.
  7. Think About What You Need: Before you start looking at different tools, ask yourself:
  • What do you want to use the landing page for? (Getting leads, selling products, etc.)
  • How much can you spend?
  • How comfortable are you with technology?
  1. Ease of Use vs. Advanced Features: Some tools are easy to use but have fewer features. Others have lots of options but might take longer to learn. If you’re new to making landing pages, you might prefer a simple tool like Leadpages. If you want more control over your design, Elementor or Unbounce might be better.
  2. Look for Good Customer Support: Even if a tool is easy to use, you might still have questions. Choose a builder that offers help when you need it, whether that’s through chat, email, or phone.

Top 5 Landing Page Builders in 2024

We’ve talked about why landing pages matter and why using special tools to make them is smart. Now, let’s look at the best five landing page builders for 2024.

1. Elementor’s Landing Page Builder: Great Design Meets Useful Features

Image 40 5 Best Landing Page Builders In [Year] 1

Elementor‘s Landing Page Builder is at the top of our list. It’s easy to use and powerful, letting you make great landing pages without much effort. Here’s why many marketers and web creators love it:

Works Well with Other Elementor Tools

If you already use Elementor to build websites, you’ll find this tool familiar. It allows you to easily switch between creating your website and creating landing pages while keeping everything looking the same.

Lots of Design Options

Elementor allows you to really let your creativity shine. It has many advanced design features, letting you control every part of how your landing pages look. You can add cool animations, parallax effects, custom CSS, and changing content to make pages that grab people’s attention.

Many Templates to Choose From

Sometimes, you need a starting point for your ideas. Elementor has a big library of professionally designed templates for all kinds of businesses and uses. You can quickly change these templates to fit your brand and message.

Image 39 5 Best Landing Page Builders In [Year] 2

AI Helps You Create Content

Elementor has AI features that can help you write catchy headlines and persuasive text and even make unique images based on what you tell it. This can save you time and spark new ideas.

Test and Improve Your Pages

Making choices based on data helps your marketing work better. Elementor gives you tools to test different versions of your pages (A/B testing) and see how people use them, which can help you improve your pages even further.

Good for Search Engines

It’s important to get free traffic from search engines. Elementor helps you make landing pages that search engines like, which can help more people find you online. It has clean code, lets you customize meta tags, and works well with popular SEO plugins.

Works on All Devices

With so many people using phones to browse the web, your pages need to look good on all screens. Elementor automatically adjusts your landing pages to fit different screen sizes so they look good for everyone.

Connects with Other Marketing Tools

Elementor easily connects with many other marketing tools, such as email platforms and CRM systems. This makes your work easier and helps you manage customer relationships better.

Affordable Plans

Elementor has different pricing plans to fit various needs and budgets. Whether you’re working alone or in a big company, you can find a plan that works for you.

Why Elementor Stands Out:

  • Easy drag-and-drop design
  • Lots of templates to start with
  • There are many ways to customize your pages
  • AI helps create content and images
  • Tools to test and improve your pages
  • Good for search engines
  • Works well on mobile devices
  • Connects with popular marketing tools
  • Plans for different budgets

Other Top Landing Page Builders

While Elementor is our top pick, there are other good landing page builders, too. Let’s look at them briefly:

2. Unbounce: Focused on Getting Results

Image 42 5 Best Landing Page Builders In [Year] 3

Unbounce is great for marketers who want to turn visitors into customers. It has powerful features to make your landing pages work better:

  • Dynamic text replacement: This changes your page text based on who’s visiting, making it more personal.
  • Popups and sticky bars: These help grab attention and get more leads.
  • Advanced A/B testing: This feature allows you to experiment with various versions of your page to determine which one performs best.

Unbounce also has AI tools to help you write better and design smarter. It works well with many other marketing tools, too. It is best for marketers who want a powerful tool focused on getting results, with options to make pages personal for visitors.

3. Leadpages: Simple and Effective

Image 41 5 Best Landing Page Builders In [Year] 4

Leadpages is all about making things easy. It’s great if you want to create landing pages without any fuss:

  • Very easy to use
  • Lots of good-looking templates
  • Built-in tools to get more leads
  • Works with major email marketing tools

While it might not have as many advanced design options as some others, it makes up for it by being really easy to use.

Best for: Beginners and marketers who want an easy-to-use tool that still gets good results.

4. Instapage: For Big Business Needs

Image 42 5 Best Landing Page Builders In [Year] 5

If you have a large business with lots of web traffic, Instapage might be for you. It has some advanced features:

  • Server-side A/B testing for more accurate results
  • AMP support for super-fast mobile pages
  • Tools for teams to work together in real-time

Instapage is all about speed and working well for big campaigns where every second counts.

Best for: Large companies and marketing teams who need a high-performance tool with advanced features.

5. Landing: Good Value for Money

Image 43 5 Best Landing Page Builders In [Year] 6

Landing balances features and affordability, making it popular with smaller businesses:

  • Easy-to-use design tool
  • There are many templates to choose from
  • Works with various marketing tools
  • Affordable pricing

While it might have fewer advanced features than some others, it gives you a lot for your money.

Best for: Small businesses and marketers on a budget who still want a good set of features.

Landing Page Best Practices and Optimization

Crafting a high-converting landing page requires thoughtful planning and execution. Let’s examine the main elements that make a landing page great.

Make Great Landing Pages

Even the best builder will only help if your landing page is well-designed. Here are some tips to make your pages work better:

Clear and Simple Message

  • Focus on one main idea.
  • Refrain from overloading visitors with too much information.
  • Use short paragraphs and bullet points to make your text easy to read.

Eye-Catching Visuals

  • Make sure to use nice, clear pictures and videos that go with what you’re offering.
  • Make sure your visuals load quickly.
  • Consider using videos to show your product in action or share customer stories.

Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

  • Make your CTA button stand out with bright colors.
  • Use action words like “Get,” “Start,” or “Join.”
  • Place your CTA where it’s easy to see.

Build Trust

  • Add customer reviews or testimonials.
  • Show security badges if you’re asking for sensitive information.
  • Include case studies or examples of your work.

Works on All Devices

  • Make sure your page looks good on phones, tablets, and computers.
  • Make sure your page works well on different devices so that people can use it easily.

How to Write a Persuasive Copy: Top Tips to Keep in Mind

Words are powerful. Here’s how to write copy that connects with your audience:

1. Attention-Grabbing Headline

  • Make it clear and interesting.
  • Address the visitor’s main problem or desire.
  • Try different headlines and test which one works best.

2. Focus on Benefits

  • Explain how your offer helps solve problems.
  • Use bullet points to make things even easier to read.

3. Keep It Simple

  • Avoid technical terms or jargon.
  • Write like you’re talking to a friend.
  • Use short sentences and familiar words.

4. Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

  • Use action words that create excitement.
  • Make it clear what will happen when they click.
  • Examples: “Start Your Free Trial” or “Get Your Discount Now”

Why Mobile Matters

More people use phones to browse the internet than ever before. Here’s why it’s important:

  • More than half of the visits to websites will be done on mobile phones by 2024.
  • Google ranks mobile-friendly pages higher in search results.
  • People leave websites that need to be fixed on their phones.

Make sure your landing pages look good and work well on all devices, especially phones!

Testing to Improve Your Pages

A/B testing helps you improve your landing pages over time. Here’s how it works:

  1. Create two versions of your page with small differences.
  2. Show each version to half of your visitors.
  3. See which one gets better results.
  4. Use the winning version and keep testing new ideas.

What to Test

  • Headlines
  • Button colors and text
  • Images and videos
  • Form length
  • Page layout
  • Customer reviews

Tip: Most landing page builders have tools to help you run these tests.

Connecting with Other Marketing Tools

Your landing page works best when it’s connected to your other marketing tools. Here’s why it matters:

Email Marketing

  • Easily add new folks to your email group without lifting a finger.
  • Send welcome emails right away.
  • Create targeted email campaigns based on what people do on your landing page.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

  • Keep all your customer information in one place.
  • Track what people do on your landing page.
  • Personalize your marketing based on customer actions.

Webinars and Social Media

  • Let people sign up for your webinars directly from your landing page.
  • Share your landing pages on social media to reach more people.

By integrating your landing page with these tools, you can foster a seamless customer experience and enhance the efficacy of your marketing initiatives.

Landing Page Success Stories, What’s Coming Next, and How to Pick the Best Tool

Let’s look at two companies that used landing pages to get great results.

1. HubSpot’s Webinar Sign-Up Page

HubSpot, a company that makes marketing and sales software, is really good at making landing pages. Their webinar pages are especially effective.

What makes HubSpot’s page work:

  • Clear title: The page title tells you exactly what the webinar is about and why it’s useful.
  • Focus on benefits: The text explains what you’ll learn from the webinar.
  • Eye-catching button: The “Register Now” button stands out and uses action words.
  • Proof it works: The page shows comments from people who attended past webinars.
  • Looks good on all devices: The page works well on phones, tablets, and computers.

These features help HubSpot get lots of people to sign up for their webinars.

2. Shopify’s Product Page

Shopify, a popular online store platform, knows how to make product pages that sell. Their pages look good, give you all the info you need, and make it easy to buy.

What makes Shopify’s page work:

  • Great pictures and videos: The page shows the product from many angles.
  • Convincing descriptions: The text explains how the product helps solve problems.
  • Clear pricing: You can easily see how much the product costs and how much shipping is.
  • Customer reviews: Comments from happy customers help build trust.
  • Works on mobile: The page is easy to use on phones.

These features help Shopify show off its products and sell more.

What’s Coming Next for Landing Page Builders

Landing page tools keep getting better. Here are some exciting changes we might see soon:

AI and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making landing page builders smarter. We’re already seeing AI help with writing content and choosing images. In the future, we might see:

  • Pages that change for each visitor: AI could analyze data and show different content based on what each person likes.
  • Smart design help: AI might suggest layouts and colors based on what works best for your industry.
  • Automatic testing: AI could run tests on its own to find the best version of your page.

Elementor, with its AI writing helper, is leading the way in this area.

Making Pages More Personal

People expect websites to feel like they’re made just for them. Landing page builders are adding features to show different content based on things like:

  • Where the visitor is from
  • What device they’re using
  • How they found your page

This helps create a better experience for each visitor.

Adding Interactive Elements

Static pages are becoming less common. To keep visitors interested, landing page builders are adding things like:

  • Quizzes
  • Polls
  • Calculators
  • Chatbots

These interactive elements can make your page more fun and help you learn more about your visitors.

Wrapping Up

We’ve looked at how landing page builders can help you create pages that turn visitors into customers. Here are the main points to remember:

  • Landing pages focus on one goal, like getting people to sign up or buy something.
  • With landing page builders, you don’t have to be a coding guru to create awesome pages.
  • The top 5 builders for 2024 are Elementor, Unbounce, Leadpages, Instapage, and Landing.
  • Each builder has its strengths, so choose the one that fits your needs best.

Our top pick is Elementor’s Landing Page Builder. It offers a great mix of design options and AI features and works well with other Elementor tools.

Ready to try it out? Sign up for Elementor’s free trial and see how it can help your marketing efforts.