What Is a Dentist Website?

A dentist’s website is a straight forward business website. It serves to provide information about the clinic, the services it provides, the prices, and the dentists who work there. A well-designed website can bring in a lot of clients.

It needs to make the service and information about it easily accessible and to that end, it implements a smart use of informative pages, popups, forms, and call to action buttons.

How to Create a Dentist Website — A Step by Step Guide

Create a WordPress account and find a hosting provider and fire up that website. It’s extremely easy.

Dentist Website Builder

Make sure that you have the most fun and the best experience building a website with the best dentist website builder — Elementor. With it, you can simply drag and drop everything you want onto the page. No coding is required.

Dentist Website Templates

Get a dentist website up and running even faster with pre-made dentist website templates. There are so many of them, that finding one wouldn’t be a problem.

Dentist Website Structure

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The structure of the dentist website follows a standard business website layout, meaning that it’s a multi-page website with specifically designated pages.


The homepage is the starting point of any business and the dentist’s website is no different. It has achieved two main objectives — to provide the most sought-after information and to give the option to book an appointment. To achieve these objectives, the homepage has to offer a good navigation menu that can be added to the header and footer. In addition, information about the clinic, its services, the dentists that work there, and, preferably, reviews from satisfied customers should be carefully divided into sections on the home page. There is no reason to add all the information on the homepage, on the most sought-after. If users want more information, they’ll visit the other pages which will have a more detailed description of each of the sections.

Services Page

The services page should cover all the services that the dentist provides with prices, or a call to action to contact the dentist for consultation via a form or a phone number.

Team Page

The team page serves not only to familiarize the user with the clinic’s workers but to help them overcome their fears by highlighting just how professional the staff is with certificates, diplomas and any other rewards or information that can help achieve this mission.


In the contact page, we recommend that in addition to the relevant contact information, you add a map that will give directions to your clinic as well as a form that will enable users to simply send you their information so that you contact them later.

Mobile Friendly Dentist Website

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Increase the number of visitors to your website by optimizing it to the mobile platform. Take care of spaces, images sizes and features that may not look good or work well on mobile phones. There is a high percent of the population that uses phones to lookup nearby services using their phones, and you don’t want to be in a position where your website looks terrible on the mobile platform and makes people turn to other, nicer looking dentist websites.

Tips for Building a Dentist Website

Add Statistics

People love statistics, especially if they are good. Add some statistics in the form of numerical representation to the homepage. These can include the number of satisfied customers, procedures conducted or anything else that you find relevant.

Use Popups

We recommend that you use popups for messages that you want the users to focus on. This could be anything from a discount or a call to action to contact you.

Use Forms

Forms are a great way to let your users contact you. Make your users’ lives easier, and you’ll become their favorite dentist.


We recommend that you add an FAQ section or page and address the most common questions. This will not only save you time but will also show your users how professional you are.

Dentist Website Examples


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