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Hover Animations

Last Update: March 2, 2025

The Hover Animations feature lets you animate elements on your WordPress website when visitors mouse over the elements. Individual elements have their own unique hover effects that can be found under the Style tab but there are a number of standard effects that are under the Advanced tab.

To add hover animations:

  1. Add an element to the canvas.
    Click the Advanced tab Hover Animations 1
  2. In the panel, click the Advanced tab.
    transform or border Hover Animations 3
  3. Open the Transform field if you want to animate the way the element appears or the Border field to animate the border around the element.
    To cancel an animation, click the reset icon Reset icon Hover Animations 5 next to the effect.

See the chart below for examples of these hover animations. Mouse over the images to see the hover effects. 

Transform animations

Rotate: Click the pencil icon and use the slider to determine how much the element will turn when visitors hover over it. Toggle 3D Rotate to have the element rotate along 3 axes. 

Transform rotate Hover Animations 7

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Offset: Click the pencil icon and use the sliders to move the element to the right or left (Offset X) or up or down (Offset Y). 

Transform Offset Hover Animations 11

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Scale: Click the pencil icon and use the slider to have the element grow of shrink when visitors hover over it. Toggle Keep Proportions off if you don’t want the element to maintain the height and length ratio. 

Transform Scale 1 Hover Animations 15

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Skew: Click the pencil icon and use the sliders to have the element twist in an asymmetric way when visitors hover over it. 

  • Skew X: Twists the element left and right.
  • Skew Y: Twists the element up and down. 

Transform skew Hover Animations 19

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Flip Horizontal: Click the button to have the element flip when a visitor hovers over it.

Tranform flip horizontal Hover Animations 23

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Flip Vertical: Click the button to have the element flip when a visitor hovers over it.

Tranform flip vertical Hover Animations 27

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Transition Duration: Controls the length of time it takes between when a visitor mouses over an element and the time the animation takes effect.

Border animations

Border type: Select a border type from the dropdown menu to have a border appear when visitors mouse over the element. 

Choices are:

  • Solid
  • Double
  • Dotted
  • Dashed
  • Grooved

Border select Hover Animations 31

If you add a border, you can also choose:


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Box Shadow: Click the pencil icon to add shadow to the element when a visitor hovers over it. Learn more about shadows.

Box shadow 1 Hover Animations 35

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Transition Duration: Controls the length of time it takes between when a visitor mouses over an element and the time the border animation takes effect.

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