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Build a customized website with AI Context

Last Update: February 19, 2024

Generally, the more information you give AI, the more accurate the results. The AI Context feature enables the Elementor AI engine to understand the overall context of your website, allowing it to more effectively customize text and images to meet your specific requirements. For example, you can let Elementor AI know that your site is focused on selling houses as opposed to a travel blog, then, whenever you ask the AI to create content for the site, it means that these requests are in the context of a real estate business. 

To set a context for your site

AI context is part of your site settings, affecting your entire site.
image 21 Build a customized website with AI Context 9

  1. From any page of your website, go to Site settings.
    image 22 Build a customized website with AI Context 11
  2. Click AI Context. A window opens containing the AI Context wizard.
    image 23 Build a customized website with AI Context 13
  3. In the AI window, under Voice & Tone, add  a description of the tone and voice you want on  your website. 
    The tone of your site reflects your site’s overall style while the voice gives your site a personality. For example, the tone of your site will influence the vocabulary, sentence structure, and overall style of the site. 
    There are two ways to add tone and voice to your site:
    • Use the prompt text box to describe the tone and voice you want for your site.
    • Enter any content that you’ve already written about your business into the text box. For example, you can enter the text of a brochure you prepared about your company. 
      AI will analyze the text and propose a voice and tone for your site.
      image 24 Build a customized website with AI Context 15
  4. Click Analyze.
    image 25 Build a customized website with AI Context 17
    Elementor AI automatically marks several keywords, showing how it understands the voice and tone of your site.
  5. Review the keywords Elementor AI has selected. You can add or delete keywords by clicking them.
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  6. Click Save Tone & Voice.
    image 27 Build a customized website with AI Context 21
  7. Add information about your business. The AI wizard prompts you about the relevant information it needs. For example, when did you start your business, what are the opening hours, and more.
    image 28 Build a customized website with AI Context 23
  8. Click Save Info.

Elementor AI is now able to customize its results to best suit your site and business needs when generating content for your site. 

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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