Growing Our Moderator Team

As the Elementor Community is growing, the leadership team is growing as well. 

How do we nominate and add new moderators? 

  • Identify engaged and trusted group members as potential moderators, and whether they’re interested in joining our team.
  • Go to the community – give people the chance to contribute.  
  • Consider adding people to your team who bring a different perspective than your own.
  • Interested? Ask them to fill in this application form 

Each potential moderator who applies will be reviewed by the group’s Admin, making sure both sides are aware of the benefits and expectations of the role. 

Accepting new moderators 

Once a moderator is accepted, they will have 8 weeks of training with a fellow buddy. After a successful training period, introduce them to the group, to acknowledge and recognize them,  so members can get to know them personally as well.

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