Who Is a Web Creator?

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A Web Creator is someone who crafts new web realities every day. They possess experience in design, development, or marketing. Many are outstanding at one, some at two, the very best at all three.

They are multi-layered, multi-talented, multi-skilled individuals expanding their expertise far beyond traditional molds, pioneering an entirely new breed of professional — the Web Creator.

We interviewed more than 1000 professionals about web creation. Here are the results.


*Generational Split:
Gen Z – 18-24
Millennials – 25-39
Gen X – 40-55
Boomers – 55-70+

Essential Skills for Success

Attention to Detail
Marketing Mind
Technology Savvy
Time Management
Fluent Communication

Top Extra Services Clients Are After

New Project Who Is A Web Creator: 2021 Survey 7

#1 Creative Freedom

#2 Independence
#3 Flexible Hours
#4 Remote Working
#5 The Technology
#6 Good Steady Income
#7 Helping Businesses Grow
#8 Career Opportunities

The Appeal of Web Creation

For many it’s about creative expression, for some it’s the flexibility, for others it’s the ability to promote businesses, yet for a few it’s all about the money!
Key Reasons To Choose This Career
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Top Learning Environments

66% YouTube
58% Social Media
43% Blogs & Articles

A New Breed of Professionals

Industry trends show that the roles of Developers,
Designers, and Marketers are being redefined.

We asked those we interviewed if the title Web
Creator describes who they are and found:

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I’m totally a Web Creator
0 %

This made me feel happy and optimistic about what I do. Web creation positively brings creativity to life”

Web Creators like me can do it all. We take something, add something, and make it so much greater than the original piece”

I’m kind of a Web Creator
0 %

I’m not yet a full-fledged Web Creator but I would love to make it my career, or at the very least something similar”

I make websites by designing, developing and market something for others. I’m somewhat of a jack of all trades”

I’m a little bit of a Web Creator
0 %

I manage a small website to complement my growing YouTube channel”

I only do it to promote my business but if I could make money from it I would definitely consider it“

Only 2% of respondents mentioned they do not feel the Web Creator term describes them

A Promising Future

Over 75% of Web Creators expect demand for their services to grow in the coming year
*Elementor surveyed more than a thousand Web Creators in partnership with getWizer.

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