Code of Conduct and Conflict Resolution

Elementor’s Code of Conduct allows creating expected behavior derived from our values for our members, leaders, partners, and employees.  

See here the full Code of Conduct

What happens if someone violates the code of conduct?

Gather information about the situation – Listen First, then Listen More.

Read through the person’s past comments and conversations to better understand who they are and why they might have acted in such a way. Try to gather perspectives other than your own about this person and their behavior.

Take appropriate action:

  1. Give the person in question a public warning, 
  2. Privately reach out to the person, 
  3. Suspend the person, 
  4. Ban person (Banning members should not be taken lightly and represents a permanent and irreconcilable difference of perspectives. You should only take these measures when it is clear that a resolution cannot be reached.)

What happens if it’s a conflict between members?

When conflict occurs, such as a heated conversation in a thread, we recommend acting quickly. Get involved before the situation escalates. Speedy action helps reset the tone of the conversation and lets group members know you care by being present.

Rely on your members to report heated conversations and help moderate the group. Encourage people to use the report to admin tool to flag posts that need attention or by sending us an email to

Conflict resolution thumb-rules

  • When you feel a post/situation is escalating, notify your fellow leadership team.
  • As a team, we will decide, first, how to manage the situation and, second, who will manage the conflict.
  • Only one Admin/Mod manages the Conflict   

Series of actions to consider 

  • Engage with the members in the comments and try to reset the tone of the conversation. If needed, restate the rules in the comments of the thread, and turn off comments.
  • Get to know the people involved to understand the source of conflict.
  • Reach out privately to the people involved in a conflict situation and remind them of the rules.
  • Help them understand how they can positively contribute to the group. 
  • Leave the thread visible so others can learn what happened.
  • If you see something that goes against Facebook’s Community Standards, report it directly to Facebook.

If moderation isn’t working, consider temporarily muting the member. Allow some time for the discussion (and the member) to cool down. When all else fails, feel empowered to remove members from your group.

Your responsibilities as a leader

As a leader, you set and enforce the standards for acceptable behavior. You have the ability to shape the community values, and members expect you to enforce those values in a fair and even-handed way.

What to do when there is a conflict with another leader?

Consult your group leader. If there’s a conflict with her/him you cannot work out directly, reach out to We treat all complaints confidentially.