Be Active

Being a leader comes with many benefits and expectations, mutual responsibilities to your members, your leadership team, and fellow leaders. We do not accept all who apply in order to make sure our leader community and overall community fulfill our main objective: Empower web creators.  Therefore, we applied a guide that helps us in identifying that all members’ needs are being met, by defining what an active leader means.

Who is an active leader? 

Each program, the Meetup Organizers and the Online Moderators, has its own definition of what an active leader is, but we all start with one basic question:  

Did you empower a fellow web creator today? 

  • An active meetup organizer is a leader who planned and executed at least 3 meetups in a period of 6 months. 
  • An active online moderator is a leader who supports online members and fellow moderators on a daily basis. 

Why is a leader not active? Does it mean members’ needs are not being met? 

As all leaders are passionate volunteers, we understand that from time to time you will not be able to meet the program requirements, and it’s ok! If you are still interested in being a leader, reach out to your community lead and consult with them on how to still support your members. Keep in mind that you have your leadership team, fellow leaders that you can and should rely on to divide the load.  

What happens if a leader is not active?

We identify three scenarios; 

  • The leader was active and is interested to leave the program and step down – First of all, we want to thank you for taking the Elementor user community forward. Second, we will apply an off-boarding process
  • A leader is not active, but their leadership team has their back – this will be treated on a case by case basis, making sure all your leadership teammates are happy and you are soon returning. 
  • A leader is not active, and members’ needs have not been met for more than 3 months – in such a case, we will apply an off-boarding process, resulting in the leader leaving the program, and will find a suitable replacement. 

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