WordPress Optimized Hosting

The Ideal Hosting for
Your Elementor Website

30-day money-back guarantee

Websites Built with
1 M+
Avg. support response

(Hosting + WP + Elementor)
0  Min.
In Performance Tests, Nov 23 Vs. 10 Largest Competitors
# 0
From Registration
to Live, Editable Website

Find The Right Plan For You

Build WordPress Websites Your Way! 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

* Limited time offer, T&Cs apply.

The above prices do not include applicable taxes based on your billing address. Unless otherwise specified, prices are in USD. The final price will be displayed on the checkout page. All plans renew annually at list price.
The price above includes Israeli VAT based on your billing address.
30 Day Money-Back Guarantee, no questions asked. Pay securely with any major credit card, Stripe, or PayPal
The above prices do not include applicable taxes based on your billing address. Unless otherwise specified, prices are in USD. The final price will be displayed on the checkout page. All plans renew annually at list price.
The price above includes Israeli VAT based on your billing address.

30 Day Money-Back Guarantee, no questions asked. Pay securely with any major credit card, Stripe, or PayPal

* Limited time offer, T&Cs apply.

The above prices do not include applicable taxes based on your billing address.
The final price will be displayed on the checkout page. All plans renew annually at list price

The price above includes Israeli VAT based on your billing address.
 All plans renew annually at list price

Fast & Secure WordPress Hosting

Exceptional Performance
At Scale

Our custom technology stack, optimized for Elementor-built sites, leverages the best infrastructure providers in the industry.

Faster Than
The Competition

Customizable caching technology that accelerates page loading speeds.

Google Cloud
Platform C2 Servers

Powerful cloud hosting primed for high load and scalability.

Cloudflare CDN with Over 285+ Locations

Fast website loading wherever your visitors are located around the globe.

Enterprise-Grade Security

Every Elementor Hosting plan includes free SSL and premium security features and monitoring.

Proactive Measures

You get multi-factor authentication, regular security software updates and strict enforcement of access patterns.

Swift Detection & Response

You’re protected with several layers of advanced monitoring tools including real-time cloud detection and protection services.

Neutralizing Potential Risks

DDoS and WAF safeguards block malicious traffic and prevent potential fraudulent flooding of large amounts of traffic to your website.

Migrate Your Site to Elementor for FREE

Seamlessly transfer your website to Elementor Hosting with zero bumps in the road.

One Click Migration

Migrate your site in a click. Move 1GB sites in <30 minutes. We’ve partnered with Migrate Guru, and if you need help, we’re here!

Dedicated Support

Our team of migration specialists is available to assist you for a seamless experience throughout your website migration process

Stored on Our Servers

The website migration relocates your site to our servers, ensuring that it doesn't impact your original website.

Build Great WordPress Websites, We'll Take Care of The Rest

Create the website of your dreams in record time with Elementor Hosting

  1. Start from a pre-made kit or an empty canvas.
  2. Edit with the included Elementor Builder.
  3. Publish and promote!

What customers are saying...

“Good work, This can easily speed up development, and the builder looks very user-friendly. Definitely recommend Elementor Hosting for my clients”.
Ahmad Thahir
“In short, you've made my life a whole lot easier, and my sites a lot snappier. I'm definitely going to keep using Elementor Hosting for my clients”.
Tim Ray
"As a creative director that looks to optimize their development and launching process, this is whole new level of efficient!"
Valentina Lugo

Supercharge Your Experience With Plans That Include Elementor Pro

No Hidden Fees. Great Value. 

Elementor Hosting includes everything you need to build a successful website, and more! Here are just some of the things we offer as an integral part of every package, whereas Hostinger wants you to buy a more expensive package for them.

Elementor Hosting

Everything included. Transparent pricing.


Competitor Package

Comparable price with SSL, backups, and builder features.

Features Elementor Hosting Competitor Package
Free Premium CDN Yes No
Priority Support Included Yes No
WooCommerce Fully Supported Yes No
Object Cache for WordPress Yes No
On-Demand Backup Yes No

Compare Our WordPress Hosting Plans

Pick the plan that’s right for you
Features ListLiteBasicBusinessGrowScale
your subscription
Features Lite Basic Business Grow Scale
Number of WebsitesThe number of unique WordPress websites you can build and host in the same subscription. Hosting is powered by Google Cloud where WordPress and Elementor Pro Website Builder are pre-installed for easy, one click setup.111Up to 3Up to 10
Monthly VisitsThe estimated monthly visitor traffic your website can easily handle.5K25K50K75K100K
SSD StorageThe amount of storage allocated to handle your needs for storing images, files, databases and other website assets. We use the latest solid-state (SSD) technology to give you the best storage and transfer performance available.5GB10GB20GB25GB40GB
Monthly BandwidthThe approximate amount of data you can transfer per month with this plan. Bandwidth usage is the total amount of data downloaded by all users visiting the website during the month.10GB30GB50GB75GB100GB
Peak Scaling OptimizationElementor Hosting’s advanced cloud infrastructure makes sure each website can use the entirety of the resources in the plan, scaling them in time of peak performance.StandardStandardAdvancedAdvancedAdvanced
Automatic Daily BackupAutomated daily website backups ensure that your website will be backed up consistently and allow you to restore in case of need. Days of backups stored vary from one plan to another.1 Day14 Days30 Days30 Days30 Days
On Demand BackupManually back up your website, as often as you want, and easily restore in time of need.NoYesYesYesYes
Staging EnvironmentA place to safely test new features and make changes without disrupting the live version of your website. Each website gets its own staging environment.NoNoYesYesYes
Site CloningEasily duplicate an existing website with all its design, content and functionality, saving time and effort in creating a new site from scratch.NoNoNoYesYes
Features Lite Basic Business Grow Scale
Visual Drag & DropYesYesYesYesYes
Responsive DesignsYesYesYesYesYes
25 WidgetsYesYesYesYesYes
Revision HistoryYesYesYesYesYes
Custom Code & CSSNoYesYesYesYes
Form BuilderNoYesYesYesYes
Popup BuilderNoYesYesYesYes
Ecommerce FeaturesNoYesYesYesYes
Dynamic ContentNoYesYesYesYes
82 Pro WidgetsNoYesYesYesYes
Features Lite Basic Business Grow Scale
AI StarterNoYesYesYesYes
Image Optimizer 5KNoNoYesYesYes
Features Lite Basic Business Grow Scale
AI StarterNoPremiumPremiumPriorityPriority
Image Optimizer 5KNoNoPremiumPriorityPriority

Hosting & Building
Support in One Place

Get premium support from highly trained professionals who are ready to answer any question via email or 24/7 live chat.
*Lite Plan includes support for hosting only


Have more questions?
Try the Elementor Help Center or Contact Us.

WordPress Optimized Hosting

For the millions of websites powered by WordPress, the choice of hosting can significantly impact functionality, speed, and overall user experience. 

Elementor Hosting emerges as a beacon in this landscape, offering WordPress-optimized hosting that is not just a step but a leap forward in managed WordPress hosting solutions. 

This comprehensive guide explores the various facets of Elementor Hosting, laying bare its unparalleled features and the transformative impact it can have on your WordPress site.

The Importance of Specialized Hosting for WordPress Sites

WordPress is the backbone of a diverse array of websites, from bustling e-commerce platforms to personal blogs. However, setting up a WordPress website can be complicated, and not every hosting provider has what it takes to run those websites well.. This is where specialized WordPress hosting steps in, tailoring its services to cater to the needs of WordPress sites.

Specialized vs. Standard Hosting: A Critical Comparison

Understanding the distinction between WordPress-optimized hosting and standard hosting services is vital in recognizing the advantages of the former. 

Standard hosting can support WordPress, but it isn’t tailored for it. This means these services may not have the specific configurations that enhance WordPress’s performance. As a result, websites might experience slower loading times and could be more vulnerable to security risks.

On the other hand, WordPress-optimized hosting such as exemplified by Elementor Hosting, are designed with the explicit goal of enhancing WordPress site performance and reducing configuration complexity. Elementor Hosting offers quicker loading, more robust security, and support focused on WordPress needs. By fine-tuning their servers specifically for WordPress, these hosts ensure that your website operates both smoothly and efficiently.

Elementor Hosting: A Paradigm of Managed WordPress Hosting

Elementor Hosting represents the prime of managed WordPress hosting. It is a service meticulously crafted for users of WordPress and Elementor Pro, offering a hosting environment that is not just supportive but transformative for your WordPress site.

Unleashing Lightning-Fast Performance

The Engine Behind Speed: Google Cloud Platform C2 Servers

Elementor Hosting harnesses the power of Google Cloud Platform’s C2 servers, renowned for their high performance. These servers are designed to handle intensive workloads, which translates to blazing-fast response times for your WordPress site. 

With these servers, Elementor Hosting provides a foundation where speed and reliability are not just promised but consistently delivered.

Global Reach with Cloudflare Enterprise CDN

The integration of Cloudflare’s Enterprise CDN is another cornerstone of Elementor Hosting’s performance. This network spans over 285 locations worldwide, ensuring that your website’s content is delivered swiftly to users, regardless of their geographical location. 

The CDN reduces latency, improves load times, and enhances the overall user experience on your site.

Advanced Caching

Caching is a critical element in website performance, and Elementor Hosting excels in this domain with its advanced caching strategies. This includes Edge Caching, which significantly speeds up web page delivery by storing copies of your site at various global locations. 

Additionally, the Object Cache for WordPress is optimized to handle the dynamic content typical of WordPress sites, ensuring that your pages load faster than ever.

Cutting-Edge Technology for Reduced TTFB

Time to First Byte (TTFB) is a crucial metric in assessing website performance. Elementor Hosting has mastered the art of reducing TTFB, with an average reduction of 49%. 

This improvement is a testament to the finely tuned servers, advanced caching mechanisms, and overall optimized environment provided by Elementor Hosting.

Reliability and Uptime: Non-Negotiable Essentials

reliability is non-negotiable. Elementor Hosting stands tall with its 99.9% uptime guarantee, ensuring that your website remains accessible to your audience around the clock. 

This reliability is underpinned by PHP optimizations and database tuning, ensuring that the backend of your WordPress site runs like a well-oiled machine.

High-Performance Server Specifications and Resource Allocation

Fast SSD Storage and High Bandwidth: The Backbone of Speed

Elementor Hosting leverages the speed and reliability of Solid-State Drive (SSD) storage. SSDs are exponentially faster than traditional hard drives, dramatically reducing data access times. 

This speed is crucial for dynamic websites, mainly for database-driven operations every day in WordPress sites. High bandwidth capabilities further augment this, ensuring that your website can handle high traffic volumes without compromising on speed or user experience.

Resource Allocation: Preventing Performance Bottlenecks

One of the critical challenges in hosting is managing resources effectively, especially for sites experiencing variable traffic. Elementor Hosting addresses this with intelligent resource allocation. 

This approach ensures that each website has access to the resources it needs when it needs them, effectively preventing performance bottlenecks. This is especially beneficial for sites with fluctuating traffic, ensuring stability and responsiveness at all times.

Pre-installed WordPress and Elementor Pro: A Treasure Trove of Features

Elementor Pro’s integration as a pre-installed component within Elementor Hosting marks a significant milestone in web development. With a value of approximately $99 per year, this sophisticated website builder is laden with a vast array of features, each designed to streamline and enhance the web design experience.

Drag & Drop Editor and Live Editing: 

At the forefront of Elementor Pro’s offerings is its Drag & Drop Editor, coupled with Live Editing capabilities. This revolutionary tool transforms the traditional approach to website construction. 

It enables users to see their changes in real time, thereby offering an unprecedented level of intuitiveness and efficiency in website design. This feature eliminates the guesswork and constant previewing associated with conventional web design methods, allowing for a more fluid and dynamic creative process.

Responsive Editing: 

In a world where browsing devices vary widely, the importance of a responsive website must be balanced. Elementor Pro addresses this need with its Responsive Editing feature. 

It allows web designers to effortlessly modify and fine-tune their sites for different screen sizes, ensuring that the website maintains its aesthetic appeal and functionality across all devices. 

Whether it’s a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, Elementor Pro ensures your website’s design adapts and looks impeccable.

Designer-Made Website Kits and Widgets:

Elementor Pro elevates the design process by offering over 100 designer-made website kits and widgets. These resources are invaluable for users who aim to create professional and visually stunning websites without the need to start from the ground up. 

Whether you’re building a portfolio, a business website, or a personal blog, these kits and widgets provide a solid foundation infused with aesthetic appeal and professional design principles.

WooCommerce Builder and Theme Builder: 

For those venturing into e-commerce or seeking a bespoke thematic presence online, Elementor Pro presents the WooCommerce Builder and Theme Builder. These tools offer an unparalleled level of customization and control over your website’s e-commerce capabilities and thematic elements. 

They allow you to tailor every aspect of your site, from product pages to checkout processes, ensuring a unique and cohesive design that stands out in the digital marketplace.

Advanced Builders:

Elementor Pro continues beyond essential design tools; it extends its functionality through Advanced Builders. This suite includes Landing Page, Form, Popup, Loop, and Dynamic Content builders. 

Each of these tools plays a crucial role in enhancing the interactivity and functionality of your website. They enable the creation of engaging landing pages, interactive forms, eye-catching popups, dynamic content loops, and more, adding layers of sophistication and engagement to your online presence.

The pre-installed Elementor Pro in Elementor Hosting isn’t just a feature; it’s a comprehensive toolkit that empowers both novice and experienced web designers to craft exceptional websites with ease, efficiency, and a touch of creativity.

WordPress-specific Security Measures

Elementor Hosting, recognizing the evolving nature of online threats, adopts a proactive and fortified approach to security. This commitment ensures that WordPress sites hosted on their platform are not only secure but also resilient against a myriad of potential cyber threats.

Cloud Hosting Powered by Google

At the core of Elementor Hosting’s security infrastructure is its reliance on Google Cloud Hosting. This choice reflects a strategic move towards leveraging one of the most secure and scalable cloud infrastructures in the world. 

Google Cloud Hosting is renowned for its stringent security protocols, offering an assurance that both the hardware and software resources used in hosting are protected against known vulnerabilities. 

This advanced security infrastructure lays a strong foundation for safeguarding WordPress sites against external threats.

Cloudflare Enterprise CDN and Premium SSL

Elementor Hosting enhances its security capabilities by integrating Cloudflare’s Enterprise Content Delivery Network (CDN). This global network does more than improve website performance; it plays a crucial role in bolstering site security. 

The Cloudflare Enterprise CDN is instrumental in mitigating Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, a common threat to website availability and integrity. 

Additionally, the inclusion of premium SSL certificates in Elementor Hosting’s package ensures that all data transmitted to and from hosted websites is encrypted, maintaining confidentiality and integrity of the data.

Advanced Security Features

  • Enterprise-Level Firewall and DDoS Protection: Elementor Hosting equips websites with advanced defense mechanisms, offering robust protection against a wide range of cyber threats, including but not limited to DDoS attacks, hacking attempts, and malicious software infiltrations.
  • HTTP/3 Support: Embracing the latest in internet protocols, Elementor Hosting supports HTTP/3. This modern protocol is not only faster but also includes enhanced security features compared to its predecessors, thereby improving both the performance and security of hosted websites.
  • 24/7 Security Monitoring: Recognizing the dynamic nature of cyber threats, Elementor Hosting employs round-the-clock security monitoring. This continuous vigilance is critical to promptly detecting and responding to potential security issues before they escalate into significant threats.
  • Active and Passive Security Measures: Elementor Hosting’s security strategy encompasses both active and passive measures. This includes real-time defense mechanisms to counter immediate threats and regular security audits to identify and rectify potential vulnerabilities, ensuring comprehensive security coverage.
  • Layered Security for WordPress Vulnerabilities: Understanding the specific vulnerabilities that WordPress sites may face, Elementor Hosting implements a layered security approach. This method addresses common WordPress security issues through multiple layers of defense, creating a fortified barrier against various forms of cyber attacks.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) and Automatic Updates

Implementing two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access. Automatic updates for WordPress core, themes, and plugins keep your site updated with the latest security patches, mitigating the risk of exploits.

Protection Against Common Threats

Elementor Hosting’s security framework is designed to combat common threats like brute-force attacks and plugin exploits. Regular vetting of plugins ensures that only secure, well-coded plugins are used, reducing the risk of security breaches.

Priority Support

An often overlooked aspect of hosting is the quality of support provided. Elementor Hosting recognizes the importance of timely and expert support, ensuring that any issues you face are promptly and effectively resolved.

24/7 Live Chat

Round-the-clock live chat support means that help is always just a few clicks away, regardless of your time zone or the nature of your query.

Premium Support for Hosting and Website Building

Elementor Hosting’s support team is not just well-versed in hosting issues but also in website building. This comprehensive expertise ensures that the support you receive is holistic, covering all aspects of your website’s operation and design.

Built-in WordPress Tools

Elementor Hosting enriches the user experience with a suite of built-in tools designed to simplify website management and enhance functionality.

Staging Environments and Backup Features

With staging environments, you can test changes to your website in a safe, non-public setting before going live. Automatic daily backups and on-demand backup options ensure that your website data is always secure and recoverable in case of any unforeseen issues.

Site Lock, Cloning, and Free Migration

Site Lock provides an additional layer of security, preventing unauthorized changes to your site. Site cloning features facilitate easy duplication of your site for testing or other purposes. Furthermore, the free migration service offered by Elementor Hosting makes the transition from your current host seamless and hassle-free.

SFTP and Database Access

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) access and database access via phpMyAdmin offer advanced users the flexibility and control they need to manage their website’s backend effectively.

Who Would Most Benefit from Elementor Hosting Plans?

Elementor Hosting, with its array of features and specialized capabilities, is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It is, however, an ideal choice for certain types of users and websites.

Ideal Users for Elementor Hosting

  • Web Design Professionals and Agencies: The advanced design capabilities and robust hosting environment make Elementor Hosting a top choice for professionals who build and manage websites for clients.
  • E-Commerce Site Owners: The high performance and security features are crucial for e-commerce sites, which handle sensitive customer data and require reliable uptime.
  • Content Creators and Bloggers: For those who regularly update content and need a reliable, fast-loading platform, Elementor Hosting offers the perfect blend of speed and ease of use.
  • Business Owners Seeking Robust Online Presence: Businesses that rely heavily on their online presence can benefit from the advanced features and security that Elementor Hosting provides.

Tailored Hosting for Specific Needs

Elementor Hosting is particularly beneficial for users who require more than just basic hosting. Its advanced features, dedicated support, and security measures are particularly advantageous for websites with high traffic, complex functionality, or heightened security needs.

How Does WordPress-Optimized Hosting Impact Website Speed?

The speed of a website is a critical factor in user experience and search engine rankings. WordPress-optimized hosting, like Elementor Hosting, has a profound impact on website speed.

The Speed Advantage of Optimized Hosting

  • Server Configuration and Resources: Optimized for WordPress, these servers ensure faster load times and smoother running of WordPress sites.
  • Advanced Caching Mechanisms: Elementor Hosting’s caching solutions significantly reduce page load times, delivering content more quickly to visitors.
  • Resource Allocation: Efficient resource management ensures that websites have access to the necessary resources, especially during traffic surges, maintaining consistent performance.

Real-World Impact on Website Load Times

By reducing the time to first byte (TTFB) and utilizing high-performance technologies like SSD storage and CDN, Elementor Hosting can significantly decrease overall website load times. This improvement in speed enhances user experience and is a crucial factor in retaining visitors.

The Importance of Page Loading Speed for SEO and User Experience

Page loading speed is a crucial factor that impacts both your website’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and user experience. In today’s fast-paced world, every second counts, and visitors won’t tolerate slow loading times.

Here’s why optimizing your page speed is essential:

Impact on SEO:

  • Higher Rankings: Google and other search engines prioritize websites that load quickly. Faster loading times signal a better user experience, which can boost your website’s ranking in search results.
  • Improved Crawlability: Search engine bots need more resources and crawl budgets. Slow-loading pages need to be crawled completely, leading to missed indexing and ranking opportunities.
  • Reduced Bounce Rate: Users tend to bounce from websites that take too long to load. This high bounce rate can signal to search engines that your website is irrelevant or of poor quality, further impacting your rankings.

Impact on User Experience:

  • Increased Engagement: Faster loading times lead to a more positive user experience. Users are more likely to stay on your website, explore further, and engage with your content if it loads quickly.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Whether you’re selling products or driving leads, a fast-loading website can significantly improve your conversion rates. Users are more likely to complete their desired actions (purchases, sign-ups, etc.) on a website that loads quickly and smoothly.
  • Boosted Brand Image: A slow website can give the impression of being outdated, unprofessional, or even unreliable. Conversely, a fast-loading website conveys efficiency, competence, and a focus on user experience, strengthening your brand image.

Generally, aiming for a page load time of under 3 seconds is optimal for both SEO and user experience. However, even minor improvements can make a significant difference.

By investing in our WordPress-optimized hosting, you’re laying a solid foundation for your website’s SEO success. Faster loading times, improved security, and scalability will give your website a competitive edge and help you attract more organic traffic from search engines.

Enhanced Scalability and Flexibility

One of the most critical aspects of growing websites is scalability. Elementor Hosting is designed to accommodate the evolving needs of a website, from a burgeoning blog to a thriving online store.

Adapting to Your Website’s Growth

  • Scalable Resources: As your website grows, so do your hosting needs. Elementor Hosting offers scalable options that can be adjusted based on your site’s traffic and requirements.
  • Flexible Plans: With a range of hosting plans, Elementor Hosting caters to websites of all sizes, ensuring that you’re not paying for resources you don’t need or lacking the ones you do.

Future-Proofing Your Website

In a rapidly evolving digital world, staying ahead of technological advancements is crucial. Elementor Hosting is committed to incorporating the latest technologies and trends to keep your website at the forefront.

Embracing Emerging Technologies

  • Latest PHP Versions and Database Technologies: Staying updated with the latest versions ensures optimal performance and security.
  • Innovations in Web Hosting: Elementor Hosting is continually updated with the latest in hosting technology, from server hardware to software enhancements.

Preparing for Tomorrow’s Challenges

  • Regular Updates and Upgrades: Elementor Hosting ensures that your hosting environment is always equipped with the latest features and security measures.
  • Training and Resources: Providing educational resources and training to help users leverage the full potential of their hosting environment.

Conclusion: Elementor Hosting as Your Ultimate WordPress Partner

Elementor Hosting stands out as a comprehensive, feature-rich WordPress hosting solution tailored for diverse needs, from individual bloggers to large-scale businesses. With its exceptional performance, robust security measures, and user-friendly features, it’s more than just a hosting service; it’s a partner in your online journey.

Whether you’re launching a new website or looking to upgrade your existing hosting, Elementor Hosting offers the tools, support, and resources needed to succeed in the digital space. Its commitment to scalability, flexibility, and future-proofing ensures that your website is not only thriving today but also prepared for tomorrow’s digital landscape.

Get The Perfect Hosting for Your Next Elementor Site