Secure WordPress Hosting

The Ideal Hosting for
Your Elementor Website

30-day money-back guarantee

Websites Built with
1 M+
Avg. support response

(Hosting + WP + Elementor)
0  Min.
In Performance Tests, Nov 23 Vs. 10 Largest Competitors
# 0
From Registration
to Live, Editable Website

Find The Right Plan For You

Build WordPress Websites Your Way! 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

* Limited time offer, T&Cs apply.

The above prices do not include applicable taxes based on your billing address. Unless otherwise specified, prices are in USD. The final price will be displayed on the checkout page. All plans renew annually at list price.
The price above includes Israeli VAT based on your billing address.
30 Day Money-Back Guarantee, no questions asked. Pay securely with any major credit card, Stripe, or PayPal
The above prices do not include applicable taxes based on your billing address. Unless otherwise specified, prices are in USD. The final price will be displayed on the checkout page. All plans renew annually at list price.
The price above includes Israeli VAT based on your billing address.

30 Day Money-Back Guarantee, no questions asked. Pay securely with any major credit card, Stripe, or PayPal

* Limited time offer, T&Cs apply.

The above prices do not include applicable taxes based on your billing address.
The final price will be displayed on the checkout page. All plans renew annually at list price

The price above includes Israeli VAT based on your billing address.
 All plans renew annually at list price

Fast & Secure WordPress Hosting

Exceptional Performance
At Scale

Our custom technology stack, optimized for Elementor-built sites, leverages the best infrastructure providers in the industry.

Faster Than
The Competition

Customizable caching technology that accelerates page loading speeds.

Google Cloud
Platform C2 Servers

Powerful cloud hosting primed for high load and scalability.

Cloudflare CDN with Over 285+ Locations

Fast website loading wherever your visitors are located around the globe.

Enterprise-Grade Security

Every Elementor Hosting plan includes free SSL and premium security features and monitoring.

Proactive Measures

You get multi-factor authentication, regular security software updates and strict enforcement of access patterns.

Swift Detection & Response

You’re protected with several layers of advanced monitoring tools including real-time cloud detection and protection services.

Neutralizing Potential Risks

DDoS and WAF safeguards block malicious traffic and prevent potential fraudulent flooding of large amounts of traffic to your website.

Migrate Your Site to Elementor for FREE

Seamlessly transfer your website to Elementor Hosting with zero bumps in the road.

One Click Migration

Migrate your site in a click. Move 1GB sites in <30 minutes. We’ve partnered with Migrate Guru, and if you need help, we’re here!

Dedicated Support

Our team of migration specialists is available to assist you for a seamless experience throughout your website migration process

Stored on Our Servers

The website migration relocates your site to our servers, ensuring that it doesn't impact your original website.

Build Great WordPress Websites, We'll Take Care of The Rest

Create the website of your dreams in record time with Elementor Hosting

  1. Start from a pre-made kit or an empty canvas.
  2. Edit with the included Elementor Builder.
  3. Publish and promote!

What customers are saying...

“Good work, This can easily speed up development, and the builder looks very user-friendly. Definitely recommend Elementor Hosting for my clients”.
Ahmad Thahir
“In short, you've made my life a whole lot easier, and my sites a lot snappier. I'm definitely going to keep using Elementor Hosting for my clients”.
Tim Ray
"As a creative director that looks to optimize their development and launching process, this is whole new level of efficient!"
Valentina Lugo

Supercharge Your Experience With Plans That Include Elementor Pro

No Hidden Fees. Great Value. 

Elementor Hosting includes everything you need to build a successful website, and more! Here are just some of the things we offer as an integral part of every package, whereas Hostinger wants you to buy a more expensive package for them.

Elementor Hosting

Everything included. Transparent pricing.


Competitor Package

Comparable price with SSL, backups, and builder features.

Features Elementor Hosting Competitor Package
Free Premium CDN Yes No
Priority Support Included Yes No
WooCommerce Fully Supported Yes No
Object Cache for WordPress Yes No
On-Demand Backup Yes No

Compare Our WordPress Hosting Plans

Pick the plan that’s right for you
Features ListLiteBasicBusinessGrowScale
your subscription
Features Lite Basic Business Grow Scale
Number of WebsitesThe number of unique WordPress websites you can build and host in the same subscription. Hosting is powered by Google Cloud where WordPress and Elementor Pro Website Builder are pre-installed for easy, one click setup.111Up to 3Up to 10
Monthly VisitsThe estimated monthly visitor traffic your website can easily handle.5K25K50K75K100K
SSD StorageThe amount of storage allocated to handle your needs for storing images, files, databases and other website assets. We use the latest solid-state (SSD) technology to give you the best storage and transfer performance available.5GB10GB20GB25GB40GB
Monthly BandwidthThe approximate amount of data you can transfer per month with this plan. Bandwidth usage is the total amount of data downloaded by all users visiting the website during the month.10GB30GB50GB75GB100GB
Peak Scaling OptimizationElementor Hosting’s advanced cloud infrastructure makes sure each website can use the entirety of the resources in the plan, scaling them in time of peak performance.StandardStandardAdvancedAdvancedAdvanced
Automatic Daily BackupAutomated daily website backups ensure that your website will be backed up consistently and allow you to restore in case of need. Days of backups stored vary from one plan to another.1 Day14 Days30 Days30 Days30 Days
On Demand BackupManually back up your website, as often as you want, and easily restore in time of need.NoYesYesYesYes
Staging EnvironmentA place to safely test new features and make changes without disrupting the live version of your website. Each website gets its own staging environment.NoNoYesYesYes
Site CloningEasily duplicate an existing website with all its design, content and functionality, saving time and effort in creating a new site from scratch.NoNoNoYesYes
Features Lite Basic Business Grow Scale
Visual Drag & DropYesYesYesYesYes
Responsive DesignsYesYesYesYesYes
25 WidgetsYesYesYesYesYes
Revision HistoryYesYesYesYesYes
Custom Code & CSSNoYesYesYesYes
Form BuilderNoYesYesYesYes
Popup BuilderNoYesYesYesYes
Ecommerce FeaturesNoYesYesYesYes
Dynamic ContentNoYesYesYesYes
82 Pro WidgetsNoYesYesYesYes
Features Lite Basic Business Grow Scale
AI StarterNoYesYesYesYes
Image Optimizer 5KNoNoYesYesYes
Features Lite Basic Business Grow Scale
AI StarterNoPremiumPremiumPriorityPriority
Image Optimizer 5KNoNoPremiumPriorityPriority

Hosting & Building
Support in One Place

Get premium support from highly trained professionals who are ready to answer any question via email or 24/7 live chat.
*Lite Plan includes support for hosting only


Have more questions?
Try the Elementor Help Center or Contact Us.

Secure WordPress Hosting

Your WordPress website is a cornerstone of your online presence, but it’s also a prime target for hackers. From brute force attacks to malware injections, security threats can derail your business, damage your reputation, and cost you time and money.

Relying on generic hosting solutions might leave you exposed. Outdated plugins, weak passwords, and unpatched vulnerabilities provide open doors for attackers. The consequences? Downtime, stolen data, lost revenue, and even damaged SEO rankings.

What you need is a hosting solution built with security as its foundation and a solution that seamlessly integrates with your favorite website builder – Elementor.   Enter Elementor Hosting:  a secure, optimized platform tailored to protect your WordPress website and deliver exceptional performance.

Why Secure WordPress Hosting Matters 

  • The Importance of Security: Security breaches are an ever-present threat in the digital world. Hackers constantly probe websites for vulnerabilities, seeking ways to steal sensitive data, inject malware, or disrupt operations. WordPress, the world’s most popular content management system, is a tempting target due to its widespread use.
  • WordPress-Specific Vulnerabilities: While WordPress itself is generally secure, outdated plugins and themes, weak passwords, and misconfigurations can create openings for exploitation. These vulnerabilities allow attackers to gain unauthorized access, compromise your site, and wreak havoc.
  • Consequences: The fallout from a successful WordPress attack can be devastating. Sensitive data such as customer information, financial details, or intellectual property might be stolen or leaked. Malware infections can damage your site’s functionality and user experience. Downtime translates directly to lost revenue and a tarnished brand image.  Even worse, search engines may penalize compromised websites, harming your organic visibility.
  • Transition: Proactive security measures aren’t just a luxury; they’re a necessity to safeguard your online assets. Elementor Hosting takes a multi-layered approach to security, providing a robust defense against common threats while ensuring optimal performance for your Elementor-built website.

Elementor Hosting: Your Fortress for WordPress Security 

  • Cloudflare Partnership: Elementor Hosting’s collaboration with Cloudflare, a leading web security and performance company, provides a powerful shield against cyberattacks. Cloudflare’s Enterprise CDN offers robust DDoS protection, filtering malicious traffic before it ever reaches your website. Its Web Application Firewall (WAF) analyzes and blocks suspicious requests, thwarting common exploits like SQL injections and cross-site scripting (XSS). Additionally, bot filtering helps mitigate automated attacks.
  • Proactive Measures:  Security isn’t just about reacting to threats; it’s about preventing them in the first place. Elementor Hosting employs 24/7 security monitoring to detect and respond to potential issues swiftly. Access pattern enforcement helps identify and block unusual login attempts or suspicious behavior. Automatic updates for WordPress, plugins, and themes ensure that known vulnerabilities are patched quickly. Regular backups create restore points in case of an incident, minimizing potential downtime.
  • Cloudflare Partnership: Elementor Hosting’s collaboration with Cloudflare, a leading web security and performance company, provides a powerful shield against cyberattacks. Cloudflare’s Enterprise CDN offers robust DDoS protection, filtering malicious traffic before it ever reaches your website. Its Web Application Firewall (WAF) analyzes and blocks suspicious requests, thwarting common exploits like SQL injections and cross-site scripting (XSS). Additionally, bot filtering helps mitigate automated attacks.
  • Proactive Measures:  Security isn’t just about reacting to threats; it’s about preventing them in the first place. Elementor Hosting employs 24/7 security monitoring to detect and respond to potential issues swiftly. Access pattern enforcement helps identify and block unusual login attempts or suspicious behavior. Automatic updates for WordPress, plugins, and themes ensure that known vulnerabilities are patched quickly. Regular backups create restore points in case of an incident, minimizing potential downtime.
  • WordPress-Specific Security Protocols:  Elementor Hosting goes beyond generic protection with specialized security measures tailored to WordPress. Firewalls are optimized to defend against common WordPress attack patterns. Regular malware scanning detects malicious code. Plugin vetting ensures the integrity of the extensions you install.  All of these steps contribute to a hardened environment that’s far more difficult for attackers to penetrate.
  • SSL and HTTP/3 Every Elementor Hosting plan includes a premium SSL certificate, ensuring that data transmitted between your website and visitors is encrypted. This protects sensitive information such as login credentials and payment details.  Furthermore, Elementor Hosting supports HTTP/3, the latest and most advanced version of the HTTP protocol, offering improved security and performance benefits compared to its predecessors.
  • Additional Security Features: Elementor Hosting continues beyond the basics. Features like multi-factor authentication add an extra layer of protection for your logins, requiring more than just a password. Rate limiting helps mitigate brute force attacks by restricting the number of login attempts from a single IP address. Advanced certificates offer enhanced security options for those requiring maximum protection.

Optimized for Elementor, Built for Performance 

  • Google Cloud Infrastructure: The foundation of Elementor Hosting is built on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), leveraging its robust infrastructure and powerful C2 compute-optimized virtual machines. These VMs offer scalable resources, including vCPUs and RAM, ensuring your website can handle traffic spikes without slowing down.  GCP’s NVMe storage delivers lightning-fast data access, contributing to snappy page loads.
  • Cloudflare Enterprise CDN: Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) play a crucial role in speeding up websites for visitors around the globe. Elementor Hosting includes Cloudflare’s Enterprise CDN with over 285 points of presence worldwide. This means your content is cached at locations closer to your visitors, leading to significantly faster load times.
  • Caching and Optimizations:  Elementor Hosting implements various caching mechanisms to reduce server load and serve content faster. Browser caching encourages visitor devices to store frequently accessed elements locally; subsequent visits become much quicker. Automatic file compression, such as Brotli, reduces file sizes for faster transfer. Minifying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript removes unnecessary characters, further streamlining data delivery. These optimizations significantly reduce your time to the first byte (TTFB), contributing to a more responsive website experience.
  • Tailor-Made for Elementor:  Perhaps most importantly, Elementor Hosting’s technology stack is specifically designed and configured to work seamlessly with Elementor-built websites. This means every aspect of your hosting environment, from server configurations to caching and optimization, has been fine-tuned to deliver the best possible performance for your Elementor site.

Beyond Security: Value-Packed Hosting

  • Pre-Installed WordPress and Elementor Pro:  Elementor Hosting eliminates the hassle of setting up a new site. WordPress comes pre-installed, and you get the powerful Elementor Pro website builder immediately at your disposal. This allows you to dive directly into designing and building your website without any extra installation steps.
  • Premium Support When issues or questions arise, you want reliable help fast. Elementor Hosting provides priority support with 24/7 live chat assistance from experts in both hosting and Elementor website building. This means faster resolutions and less downtime for your site.
  • Management Tools:  Elementor Hosting puts essential website management tools at your fingertips. Create staging environments to safely test changes before pushing them live. Utilize automatic daily backups and on-demand backups for extra peace of mind.  Site cloning makes replicating your existing websites a breeze.  Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) and database access (phpMyAdmin) are available for advanced users.
  • Cost-Effectiveness:  What makes Elementor Hosting even more appealing is the bundled value.  You receive the full Elementor Pro website builder (a $99 value), a premium CDN through Cloudflare (a $248 value), and a premium SSL certificate (a $60 value) – all included at no extra cost. This represents a significant cost saving compared to purchasing these essential services separately.

Is Elementor Hosting Right for You? 

Elementor Hosting is designed with several key user groups in mind:

  • Web Designers/Developers: If you build client websites with Elementor, ensuring top-notch security for those sites is paramount. Elementor Hosting provides the protection you need and the streamlined management tools to handle multiple sites efficiently.
  • Business Owners:  Your website is an important part of your business, and you need a reliable platform that’s easy to manage without needing in-depth technical knowledge. Elementor Hosting delivers security, performance, and user-friendliness.
  • Bloggers/Content Creators: Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting out, you want your content to shine. Elementor Hosting provides a secure, reliable foundation and fast load times to ensure your audience has the best possible experience on your site.


Let’s start with a question about the migration process:

How easy is it to migrate my existing WordPress site to Elementor Hosting?

Elementor Hosting offers a streamlined migration process to minimize downtime. You can utilize a free migration service or take advantage of easy-to-use migration plugins. Detailed instructions and support are available to ensure a smooth transition.

How does Elementor Hosting’s security compare to other hosting providers?

Elementor Hosting prioritizes security with a multi-layered approach only sometimes found with standard hosting solutions. The partnership with Cloudflare, proactive security measures, WordPress-specific optimizations, and regular updates provide a robust defense against common threats.

What kind of support is available, and when can I get help?

Elementor Hosting offers priority support with 24/7 live chat assistance. This means you can connect with knowledgeable experts about both hosting-related issues and questions regarding the Elementor website builder itself.

Does Elementor Hosting offer an uptime guarantee?

Yes, Elementor Hosting provides a 99.9% uptime guarantee. This demonstrates their commitment to reliability and ensures minimal disruptions for your website. In the rare event of downtime exceeding this guarantee, you may be eligible for compensation.


Elementor Hosting offers a compelling solution for those who value security, performance, and seamless integration with the Elementor website builder. From robust security measures and performance optimizations to user-friendly features, it’s designed to protect and empower your Elementor website. Suppose you’re building or managing a WordPress site with Elementor. In that case, Elementor Hosting provides the peace of mind, speed, and ease of use needed to safeguard your online presence and deliver an outstanding user experience.  Explore Elementor Hosting plans today and discover the perfect fit for your secure and high-performing Elementor website.

Get The Perfect Hosting for Your Next Elementor Site