WordPress website builder

Build any WP Website with Elementor

Unlock your website’s full potential with Elementor’s drag & drop Website Builder that includes all the features you need, in just one plugin.
18M+ Websites Built with Elementor
5 Star Reviews
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One Powerful Plugin, Hundreds of Capabilities

With a widget for every purpose, endless customization options and a top performing WordPress
theme, Elementor has everything you need to build magnificent WordPress websites.

100+ Widgets

Elementor includes over 100 widgets, so you can create every part of your WordPress website with the ultimate design freedom.

No More Plugin Clutter

With Elementor’s features and widgets, you don’t need to install multiple plugins to build your website.

Built for Speed

The Hello Theme is our featherlight theme that runs super fast and is a great starting point for building your WordPress website.

Highly Secure & Regularly Updated

Your website’s security is important to us, which is why we are fully compliant with WordPress’s security standard. With a dedicated team of security professionals and regular updates, you can trust your website is secure.
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Translated to Over 50 Languages

Elementor has been translated to over 50 languages and supports multilingual websites, and RTL / LTR configurations. You can use Elementor in your preferred language, or add your own translation.
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AI-Powered Web Creation

Free trial available on all Elementor websites
Elementor AI

Content Creation with Smarts

Create impactful content that’s true to your brand with an AI engine that learns as it goes. AI generates unique images, captivating copy, and flawless code with incredible speed.

AI-Inspired Layouts & Designs

Amplify your productivity as you leverage Elementor’s generative AI tools to effortlessly build your wireframe containers, fully designed layouts, context-aware content, and so much more.

Seamlessly Integrated

Elementor AI is natively integrated with the Editor and saves time by dramatically extending your capabilities without ever having to leave the Editor environment.

Trusted By

A Complete and Intuitive WordPress Website Builder

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The Fastest WordPress Theme

Start building your website using our lightweight theme with minimal styling. So you can design every part of your website and enjoy superior performance.
Hello Theme

Professionally-Designed Full Website Templates

Jumpstart your website creation process with one of Elementor’s fully designed templates for full WordPress websites, pages, landing pages, popups, and more.
Elementor Library
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Fully Expandable

As an open source plugin, and with a vast eco-system, developers have full access and documentation to create their own plugins and extend Elementor’s capabilities, to cover every one of your needs, no matter how niche.
Open Source
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I Love Elementor! It only took a few minutes to put up a landing page with a working form. Look ma, no coding necessary.
Khary Sharpe
Founder and CEO of Bakari Digital Labs Ltd

Find The Right Plan For You

Build WordPress Websites Your Way! 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

The above prices do not include applicable taxes based on your billing address. The final price will be displayed on the checkout page. All plans renew annually at list price.

The above prices do not include applicable taxes based on your billing address. Unless otherwise specified, prices are in USD. The final price will be displayed on the checkout page. All plans renew annually at list price.

The price above includes Israeli VAT based on your billing address.
 All plans renew annually at list price.