October 26th, 2023 - Live

Elementor Turbocharged: Collaborating with Google & 10up to Boost Core Web Vitals

Join us and learn how this unprecedented collaboration has turbocharged Elementor's hosting and
plugin performance. Take away tips that you can apply to your own website's performance.
Webinar | Thursday, Oct. 26th - 11:00 AM EDT
performance webinar Hero Elementor Turbocharged: Collaborating with Google & 10up to Boost Core Web Vitals 1

Meet the Speakers

Adam Silverstein Elementor Turbocharged: Collaborating with Google & 10up to Boost Core Web Vitals 3

Adam Silverstein

Developer Relations Engineer | Google

Shilo Eish Yemini Elementor Turbocharged: Collaborating with Google & 10up to Boost Core Web Vitals 5

Shilo Eish Yemini

Performance Product Lead | Elementor

Joe McGill Elementor Turbocharged: Collaborating with Google & 10up to Boost Core Web Vitals 7

Joe McGill

Associate Director of Engineering | 10up

Miriam Schwab Elementor Turbocharged: Collaborating with Google & 10up to Boost Core Web Vitals 9

Miriam Schwab

Head of WordPress Relations | Elementor

Topics We’ll Cover

Gain valuable insights on optimizing website performance and how Google, 10up and Elementor worked together to tackle the challenges of creating a better web.


Moderated by Miriam Schwab from Elementor

Optimizing Core Web Vitals and WordPress Performance

Adam Silverstein from Google

How the WP Performance Team Scales LCP Scores for All

Joe McGill from 10up

Faster, Smoother, Better: Elementor's Performance Focus

Shilo Eish Yemini from Elementor
qa Elementor Turbocharged: Collaborating with Google & 10up to Boost Core Web Vitals 11

Join our open discussion
and ask questions.

See You at the Webinar!

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from top web performance experts